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Political Dialogue

ADEPT created "Political Dialogue" column at the request of the representatives of the Permanent Round Table (PRT) so as to monitor its activities. PRT was established on April 4, 2002 in order to defend and promote democracy and political pluralism in the Republic of Moldova.
On April 24, 2002 PACE passed the Resolution no. 1280 on the functioning of democratic institutions in the Republic of Moldova. PACE Resolution acknowledged the absence of a dialogue between the ruling and opposition parties and recommended political parties to engage in a real and meaningful dialogue within a round table gathering representatives of all political parties.
On September 26, 2002 PACE adopted a new Resolution praising the progresses made towards a better functioning of democratic institutions and establishing a permanent dialogue between political parties.
Later on, a group of Council of Europe experts including Tadeusz Mazowiecki, former Polish Prime Minister and Walter Schwimmer, CE Secretary General, recommended reforming the PRT by reducing the number of participants so as to increase its efficiency. As a result on March 24, 2003 the PRT convened on a session in a reformed format, including representatives of the Communist Party, Social-Democratic Alliance of Moldova, Christian-Democratic Peoples' Party, Liberal Party, Socialist Party of Moldova, as well as two non-governmental organizations - Association for Participatory Democracy "ADEPT" and Lawyers for the Human Rights Association.
Regulation on conducting the sessions of the Permanent Round Table (PRT) of political parties, socio-political and non-governmental organizations
We, representatives of parties, socio-political and non-governmental organizations, participants to the Permanent Round Table, gathered in view of initiating cooperation of political and public forces, and being concerned about the need to protect and promote democracy and political pluralism in the Republic of Moldova, have agreed
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Statement of the participants to the Permanent Round Table on the attitude of the governing party towards the Resolution of CE Parliamentary Assembly of April 24
We, participants to the PRT publicly declare that the Government failure to comply with CEPA Resolution might result in Moldova's exclusion for the Council of Europe. The latter would determine for many years ahead the place of the Republic of Moldova within the European structures, and most importantly the choice between democracy and totalitarianism
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Statement of the participants to the Permanent Round Table on the tendency of the governing party to ignore the Resolution of the CE Parliamentary Assembly on turning "Teleradio-Moldova" company into a public and independent institution
We, participants to the Permanent Round Table (PRT) are concerned by the tendency of the Communist parliamentary faction to ignore the CE Parliamentary Assembly (CEPA) Resolution of April 24, on revising the Law on Television and Radio and on turning "Teleradio-Moldova" state company into an independent public structure
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Statement of the Permanent Round Table on the need for the confronting parties to accept the dialogue
The Permanent Round Table (PRT) salutes the fact that our recommendations of April 9 Statement have been used by the leaders of parliamentary factions in formulating their positions expressed during the talks held at the Council of Europe on identifying solutions for overcoming political crisis in the Republic of Moldova
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Statement of the participants to the Permanent Round Table on ways of settling the crisis in the Republic of Moldova
Given the importance of a permanent socio-political dialogue, and that no dialogue has been established between the political parts to the conflict following the Statement of the Permanent Round Table of April 4 concerning the unprecedented worsening socio-political situation
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Declaration of the founders of the Permanent Round Table "On the crisis in the Republic of Moldova and the need for a permanent social-political dialogue"
We, representatives of political parties and non-governmental organizations gathered to the first session of Permanent Round Table, providing a framework for a political dialogue, and initiated by "Braghis Alliance" parliamentary faction, appeal to political parties
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