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    of the Republic
    of Moldova
 2010 Parliamentary Elections
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Centrist Union of Moldova

Leadership bodies

The Congress

The Republican Council

The Political Council

The Congress is the supreme leading body of the party. The ordinary Congress is convened once in two years. The decision to convene the ordinary Congress is adopted by the Republican Council at least three months before it is held. The extraordinary Congress is convened within one month by the Republican Council or at the request of at least 1-3 of the members of the party.

The Congress is an assembly of the members of the party designated as delegates within the conferences of county organizations. The Congress is deliberative if 50%+1 of the designated delegates are present.

The Congress may be attended by the following individuals who will have deliberative vote:

  1. the members of the Republican Council;
  2. the chairs of county organizations;
  3. CUM deputies;
  4. the chairs of party branches;
  5. the members of the Steering Committee;
  6. the county councilors of the CUM.
The Congress:

  1. approves the Program and Statute of the party which it can amend;
  2. elects the Republican Council;
  3. elects the Steering Committee;
  4. nominates the party candidate for the position of President of Moldova;
  5. adopts other decisions.

The Republican Council:

  1. elects and revokes, through secret vote, the Chair of the Republican Council;
  2. elects the deputy chairs of the Republican Council;
  3. elects the members of the Political Council;
  4. nominates from among its members the Executive Secretary;
  5. nominates the members of the Secretariat;
  6. recruits new members;
  7. approves the annual report of the Chair of the Republican Council;
  8. approves the directions of activity of the Republican Council;
  9. coordinates the activity of the parliamentary faction of the CUM;
  10. approves the CUM candidates for parliamentary elections;
  11. adopts decisions on the establishment of scientific, economic and other party organizations;
  12. establishes, as part of its functions, bodies and commissions who it delegates the necessary powers;
  13. nominates and revokes the editors of the press bodies of the party;
  14. approves the composition of the electoral staff and the party electoral strategy;
  15. tackles other problems that fall out of the competence of the Congress.

The Republican Council is constituted of the following:

  1. the Chair of the Republican Council;
  2. the deputy chairs;
  3. the leaders of the parliamentary faction;
  4. the chairs of county organizations, the chairs of party branches;
  5. the members elected at the Congress and those recruited through the decision of the Republican Council.
The Republican Council is convened when necessary, but not less than three times per year. The meetings of the Republican Council are deliberative if at least 50%+1 of its members attend.

The Political Council:

  1. adopts the political doctrine of the party, and its tactics and strategy in elections;
  2. supports the activity of the parliamentary faction;
  3. develops the draft agendas and decisions of the Republican Council;
  4. decides about the organization of press conferences;
  5. fulfils other functions that are not in the competence of the Republican Council.
The Political Council is composed of the following:

  1. the Chair, the deputy chairs of the Republican Council;
  2. the Honorable Chair of the CUM;
  3. the Executive Secretary of the party (entitled to consultative vote);
  4. the leader of the parliamentary faction;
  5. the members of the Political Council elected by the Republican Council.

Centrist Union of Moldova:

Program / Leadership bodies / Participation in elections

Local Elections 2003




Electoral Laws

CEC documents


OSCE/ODIHR Documents

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