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Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova "Patria-Rodina"

PSRM includes 6,267 members, out of which 3,412 (54,44 %) are women.
The age representation of the party members is as follows:
- 18-24 years - 211;
- 25-34 years - 1215;
- 35-44 years - 1458;
- 45-54 years - 1494;
- Over 55 - 1879.
As for the education:
- 573 members have high education;
- 97 members have incomplete high education;
- 1321 members have specialized college education;
- 3301 members graduated high school;
- 975 members have incomplete high school.
PSRM includes 3,656 (58,34 %) Moldovans.
The following is the social representation of the PSRM members:
- students - 72;
- workers and peasants - 1 598;
- clerks - 783;
- entrepreneurs - 553;
- unemployed - 1,793;
- pensioners - 1,468.
Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova "Patria-Rodina":
Program / Governing bodies / Statistics / Participation in elections
