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Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova "Patria-Rodina"

General provisions of the Program Declaration of the Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova
1. Socialists believe that the experience of the XX century showed that despite some sporadic and temporary successes the previous versions of the socialism failed both theoretically and practically to achieve a transition from a capitalist society to a new, socialist one, more efficient, more human, more equitable and democratic. The collapse of the socialist system and weakening of the left wing forces, is another proof of the profound crisis socialism underwent in the XX century, accompanied by an intellectual lagging behind of the left wing forces as compared to bourgeois ideology.
Truly new left wing ideas are required in order to overcome the systemic crisis of socialism, ideas able to provide a scientific basis for the new strategy of the socialist forces and to meet the third millennium requirements and vicissitude. This is the more important as the current socialist ideology fails to adequately encompass "qualitative progress" of the contemporary world.
We must find new responses to the old questions:
- What is the essence of the crisis the contemporary bourgeois society is undergoing and what are the prerogatives of the socialism?
- Revolution or reforms - what is the optimal road to a new society?
- Is socialism possible in one separate country?
- What is the key to a new society: free market or democratic planning?
- What is the motive power of the socialist transformations: former class of employed workers or that of creative workers?
2. Simultaneously, the socialists believe that the deep socialism crisis of the end of the XX century does not mean the definite victory of the liberalism as the free market, barbaric exploitation, and peoples' economic dependence of capital are backing off under the pressure of new relationships. Those are distinguished by the conscious regulation of the social life, relationships between man and nature, and by the ever-growing role of humanizing the labor. All of these prove us that the moment of a new type of social relationships may have come. From this perspective the major result of the XX century historic process is a search of new ways to achieve a new quality of human society.
Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova believes that the socialist alternative to the development of the society is the democratic socialism.
3. In the socio-economic field, PSRM relies on the following principles:
- The relationships established today between the entrepreneurs and employees do no longer provide the necessary justification to labor and do not satisfy the contemporary man. It is time to restrict the exploitation of labor and abolish its leading role;
- An alternative to the hired labor are the various forms of self-organization and self-administration; democratization of society; development of self-administration principles in the field of production as well as in other fields. By bringing them to a unified system of relationships, which would represent the entire variety of social life, a socialist alternative to the capitalist way of life would be edified. This alternative is the democratic socialism;
- "Free development of each individual is the condition of free development of everyone" - this is the principle of the democratic socialism. Its main values are: social equity, liberty, solidarity, peace, patriotism and environmental safety;
- Development of self-administration mechanisms together with the democratization of the state's governing function is a way of rousing peoples' creative potential, in view of developing ultra-modern technologies, abolishing the polarization of the society, eliminating artificial barriers between various social groups, and solving other problems;
- It is necessary to elaborate and adopt "Law on the participation of employees in the administration, estate and profit of the commercial organizations;
- PSRM acknowledges that currently the public property and private one are equal. It believes that in the current situation the state should play an important role in the regulation of the processes, such as improving fiscal legislation so as to diminish the global shadow economy, supporting the small business, industry recovery, administering public property, resolution of energy problem, and protection for the domestic producer;
- Given that the civilized world has already entered the post-industrial state the socialists believe that it is necessary to define and implement a concept envisaging the development of the country economy for a mid-term (8 - 10 years).
4. In the state policy, PSRM is guided by the following:
- Promoting the entire spectrum of democratic freedoms and mechanisms of their observance, employing non-violent methods of advocacy in the cases when the state bodies refuse to ensure and guarantee citizens' fundamental rights and freedoms;
- When there is a need to modify the Constitutional norms, such means of consulting the citizens as referenda and opinion polls should be actively used. We should remember that the rights of "sovereign people" are more important than those of the state bodies, which exists to serve the people;
- One of the most important tasks of the Party of Socialists is to take part in the legislative activity of the Parliament and in the activity of local councils, which are aimed to increase the role of democratic institutions, foster self-administration initiatives, and decrease exploitation labor, which is a source of social inequality and negative consequences such as (social, interethnic, religious and other conflicts);
- The issue of the country integrity may be solved only within a joint federative state within the boundaries of the Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic of 01.01.1990 which would include Republic of Moldova, Transdnistria and UTA Gagauzia as component parts of the Republic of Moldova;
- Party of Socialists pleads against the tentative to undermine the independence of the Republic of Moldova, to deprive it of its history and of its language.
5. In the spiritual and cultural life PSRM is guided by the following principles:
- Freedom of creation, right to education for all the social strata, free access to information, possibility to use mass media to disseminate and make public party positions, participation in public discussions - should be considered as major conditions for the democratization of the society and development of self-regulation mechanisms;
- Party of Socialists pledges to settle the most important problems of the socialist movement: contributing to the change for the better of the international social consciousness, so as to orient it from a bourgeois-democratic concept on the world to a peoples-democratic one. The latter is viewed as a precondition for the general offensive on the primitive exploitation labor, liberation of creative possibilities of the people and orientation towards democratic socialism.
6. In the field of international affairs PSRM is guided by the following:
- Necessity to establish a equitable international order ensuring the observance of the following principle: "security and development of all the countries"; only such an order will eliminate the global confrontation, will allow to ensure the security of a series of states, will allow a proper reaction to the latest developments: uncontrolled migration, terrorism, ethnic and religious confrontations;
- Socialists of Moldova support the idea of multilateral negotiation process in view of developing a general European security model for the XXI century as a response to the one initiated by the USA administration. We critically view the latter, i.e. an attempt to use the idea of collective security in view of redistributing spheres of interest at the global level, which was made possible after the collapse of the USSR and soviet bloc;
- Party of Socialists supports internationalism, viewing it as a desire to work together with those forces in the world, which share the principles of freedom, democracy and equality, are interested in settling major human problems and in insuring equal political and economic rights of all the nations of the world.
7. In its practical activity PSRM is guided by the following:
- Consolidation by observing the independence, social and political multitude and variety of societies, rather than division and juxtaposition. The party supports a peaceful method of settling the problems, which would ensure a consistent social liberation at all the levels of society;
- Each community could develop both independently (territorially, nationally, confessional, culturally, etc), or simultaneously with the others;
- The objective and imperative requirement of the time - work at the grassroots, think globally. From this perspective, the party considers that its most important theoretic task - developing the concept of party rebirth.
8. The Socialists of Moldova do not claim the monopoly over the achievements of the democratic socialism. They are ready to recognize the equality in rights of some allies, i.e. parties and movements of the republic and from other countries, which pursue similar goals and are interested in solidarity, uniting all the democratic forces in view of achieving common goals by working together.
Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova "Patria-Rodina":
Program / Governing bodies / Statistics / Participation in elections
