Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova "Patria-Rodina"

Participation in elections
1996 presidential elections
Veronica Abramciuc, Co-Chair of the PSRM, ran for the presidency in the 1996 presidential elections. She gathered 6,619 votes, 0.42% out of the total valid votes cast.
1998 parliamentary elections
In the March 22, 1998 parliamentary elections the Party of the Socialists of the Republic of Moldova was cast 9,514 votes (0.59%).
1999 local elections
In the May 23, 1999 local elections PSRM run jointly with other parties in the "The Bloc of Communists, Agrarians and Socialists" and received:
- 118 mandates (37.82%) in the county councils and Chisinau municipality;
- 2,235 mandates (36.61%) in the municipal, city and village (communal) councils;
- 124 mandates (19.71%) of the mayors in municipalities, cities and villages.
2001 parliamentary elections
The Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova ran in the parliamentary elections of February 25, 2001 together with the Republican Party of Moldova and Party of Progressive Forces of Moldova in the "Edinstvo" Electoral Bloc.
The electoral bloc was cast 7,277 votes, i.e. 0.46% out of the total valid votes cast.
General local elections May 25-June 8, 2003
In the local elections 2003, PSRM got:
- 22 mandates in city and village councils (0.20%);
- 2 mayor mandates (0.22%).
Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova "Patria-Rodina":
Program / Governing bodies / Statistics / Participation in elections