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Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova "Patria-Rodina"

Governing bodies
The Congress
The Congress is the supreme governing body of the PSRM. It is convened when deemed necessary, but no latter than 2 months prior to the launch of the electoral campaign by the Party Republican Council.
The Congress:
- Adopts the PSRM program, bylaws; amends and completes the aforesaid;
- Approves the basic principles of the current party policy and based on them approves PSRM electoral program;
- Approves the lists of the party members and supporters in view of parliamentary and presidential elections;
- Takes decisions on cooperation with other parties and socio-political movements during the electoral campaign and approves cooperative agreements concluded thereof;
- Debates on the activity reports of the Republican Council and Republican Control Commission;
- Elects the members of the Republican Council as well as members of the Republican Control Commission;
- Confirms the editors of the party media outlets;
- Assesses the activity of PSRM members and its supporters in the local and central public administration bodies;
- In compliance with the legislation in force makes decisions on the revocation of its representatives from the local or central government whenever their activity runs counter to the party interests;
- Approves documents regulating the party activity;
- Takes decisions on the modification of the party name, on ceasing party activity;
- Takes other decisions in compliance with the legislation in force, party bylaws and program provisions.
Republican Council
The Republican Council is the executive body of the party during the time period within the Congress sessions.
The Republican Council:
- During its first session elects the party Chair (Co-chairs);
- Enforces general provisions of the party program;
- Enforces decisions adopted by the Congress;
- Organizes day-to-day party activity;
- Elects members of the PSRM executive;
- Cooperates with the relevant bodies of other political parties and socio-political organizations of the Republic of Moldova, operating in compliance with the law and have democratic attitudes, support humanism and social progress;
- Foreign affairs pursuant to the law;
- Keeps liaison, concludes agreements with socialist oriented political parties, strives to become a member of the socialist oriented international unions;
- Cooperates with trade unions, veteran, women, and youth organizations and other unions, which support democratic transformations envisaging social equality, national conciliation based on political cooperation and equal partnership.
Party Executive
The Party Executive:
- Unfolds day-to-day party activity;
- Enforces the decisions of the Republican Council;
- Adopts decision on any issue, pertaining to the party activity, which is not in the exclusive competence of the Congress or Republican Council.
Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova "Patria-Rodina":
Program / Governing bodies / Statistics / Participation in elections
