Social-Democratic Party of Moldova

Participation in elections
1994 parliamentary elections
Social Democratic Party of Moldova took part in February 27 elections within the "Social-Democratic Bloc", which was cast 65,028 (3.66%) of the valid votes.
1995 general local elections
Social Democratic Party of Moldova won in the April 16 elections:
- 39 mandates (3.09%) in the municipal and rayon councils;
- 273 mandates (2.58%) in the village and city councils;
- 23 mandates (2.89%) of mayors in villages and cities.
1998 parliamentary elections
In March 22 elections Social Democratic Party of Moldova was cast 30,169 votes (1.86%).
1999 general local elections
Social Democratic Party of Moldova took part in May 23 general local elections within the Social Democratic Union "Furnica-Speranta", which won:
- 16 mandates (5.13%) in county and Chisinau Municipality councils;
- 249 mandates (4.08%) in municipal, city and village councils;
- 18 mandates (2.86%) of mayors in municipalities, cities and communes.
2001 parliamentary elections
In the February 25 elections Social Democratic Party of Moldova was cast 39,247 (2.47%) of the valid votes.
General local elections May 25-June 8, 2003
SDPM participated in the local elections 2003 within electoral bloc "SDP-SLP" which won:
- 38 mandates in the rayonal and municipal councils (3.37%);
- 500 mandates in city and village councils (4.61%);
- 44 mayor mandates (4.90%).
Social-Democratic Party of Moldova:
Governing bodies /
Participation in elections