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Liberal Party

Governing bodies of the Party of Reform
The Congress
Party Congress is convened by the Republican Council and reviews party achievements, analyses existing opportunities, and establishes the strategies for the future. The Congress adopts the electoral platform of the party in view of presidential elections and approves the candidate running for the office of the President of the Republic of Moldova, on behalf of the Party of Reform.
Republican Council
Republican Council is elected by the Party Conference for a 4 year term and has the following responsibilities:
- To implement the program;
- To coordinate political activity of the party branches in the territory;
- To approve the platforms and party candidate lists;
- Whenever deems as necessary, to modify the party statute and program;
- To elect the Permanent Bureau.
The Republican Council decides on the party participation in electoral blocs and alliances. Decisions are adopted by the majority vote of the present delegates. Chairs of the branches in the territory are ex officio members of the Republican Council.
Permanent Bureau
The Central Council elects permanent Bureau for a 2-year period. It operates continuously and has the following responsibilities: analysis; prognostication and coordination; developing recommendations, models and strategies; coordinating political, propaganda, informational, social, external, cultural, etc. activity of the party; and preparing the sessions of the Republican Council, Party Conferences and Congreses. Permanent Bureau is formed of experts and specialized sections. The decisions are adopted by the majority vote of the present members.
Liberal Party:
Program / Governing bodies / Statistics / Participation in elections
