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Liberal Party

Historic background
The Liberal Party (PL) is the successor by law of the Party of Reform (PR). The constitution conference of PR took place on September 5, 1993, when the statute and programme of this party were adopted. PR was initially created as a centre-right political party of Christian Democratic nature, which pledged to draft, support and promote the reform strategy in order to include the Moldovan society in family of civilized nations.
The 1st congress of PR took place on January 24, 1999. PL held the 2nd congress on April 24, 2005. It decided to change the name of PR into PL, adopted a new statute and programme of PL, approved a new symbol of the party, and elected the key management bodies of PL, maintaining Mihai Ghimpu in the post of PL chairman. The 2nd congress of PL also took attitude over a number of social problems, passing four resolutions in this regard: on functioning of languages in Moldova, settlement of the Transnistrian conflict, political, and social-economic situation in Moldova.
PL pledged to be a right-wing liberal political party after reformation processes, which pleads, in particular, for: support and promotion of young generation to the social-political life; respect and insurance of national sovereignty, independence, unity and integrity of Moldova; settlement of the Transnistrian conflict; withdrawal of the Russian Federation's army and military arsenal from Moldova's territory; Moldova's integration in Euro-Atlantic structures; respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms; insurance of a full press freedom through elimination of any control of public authorities and their representatives; promotion and insurance of an authentic local autonomy; encouragement of private initiative with respect for competition rules; combat of corruption, organised crime and illegal economy, etc.
The symbol of PL features two united men moving in the same direction, who are in the middle of an incompete 12-star circle - an element of the symbol of the Council of Europe and European Union. The first letters of the Liberal Party - PL - close the circle.
PL participated in the 1994, 1998 and 2001 parliamentary elections but failed to succeed to the parliament.
Note: Not to mix up the Liberal Party, successor by law of the Party of Reform, and the Liberal Party which existed from March 24, 2002 to July 19, 2003, and merged into Our Moldova Alliance.
Liberal Party:
Program / Governing bodies / Statistics / Participation in elections
