People's Christian Democratic Party

Chapter I. Christianity and Democracy
Who we are
1. We are a popular formation, of Christian democratic essence, which politically and legally succeeds the Democratic Movement from Moldova (1988-1989), the Popular Front from Moldova (1989-1992) and (1989-1992) The Christian Democratic Front from Moldova (1992-1997). From the very beginning of our activity we promoted democratic, Christian and national values in the Republic of Moldova. We belong to the family of European Christian democrats and are part, as full right members, of the Popular Christian-Democrat International.
Our vision on the human being
2. We recognize that the human being is a coronet of divine creation, and not the ultimate outcome of all other things. Our policies are grounded on the Christian vision on human being, who is responsible in front of the God. Every human's dignity, either male or female, is inalienable. The man is a unique entity, totally unyielding, open to transcendence, with eternal own destine, implicitly with responsibility, with intelligence and free will. In the society any human being depends on the others. Being free, responsible and in solidarity, the man is supposed to participate in building up the society. This arrangement drives from our appeal to be together - laborers with the God in His creating and saving work. The CDPP respects with great recognition the supreme gift of the human life, which potentially comprises the individual and eternal happiness. The society through its regulations needs to support the respect of life at any stage, from conception to natural decease.
Fundamental values of our policy
3. The liberty is inherent to human nature. This fact implies everybody's right and obligation to be fully responsible for his choices and actions, as well as of being co-responsible for the posterity and the whole Creation. Anybody who invokes freedom to himself he must recognize and respect the freedom of the others. The liberty of a citizen and state's authority are not realities that exclude themselves, they complete reciprocally. The state authority needs to guarantee all the individuals in a society a wide liberty, including in political and economic terms. The limits of those liberties need to be ads wide as possible, determined exclusively by respecting the others' freedom and by realizing the necessary stability, which is strictly necessary for social living together. Each citizen of the Republic of Moldova needs to be capable to exercise his freedom within his family, at the work place, in society and in the state. We reject any false interpretation of freedom. Private ownership is an important premise of the economic and political freedom of a person.
4. Solidarity means to admit the interdependence and mutual correlation between the individuals and their communities. Any thing that affects a person has also consequences for the community this makes part of. The solidarity means practical actions, active assistance, rights and commitments between individuals and their communities, that make part from a whole and in an ultimate analysis merges into a universal. Based on these grounds the CDPP embraces the principle of solidarity between the individuals, social categories, local, national communities and nations. The solidarity needs to manifest not only on the horizontal, but also on the vertical. Thus, we assume the whole historical background of the Romanian people and are in solidarity with the future generations, whose legal interests we shall defend.
5. The Justice means application of principle of equality for all the people in the dignity and liberty given by the God. It means the right of any person to protection against arbitrary or abusive actions on behalf of the Power structures. Through justice we understand the application of same laws and rules for to all.
Human rights
6. We consider that any law needs to reflect the universal respect of fundamental and inalienable human rights stipulated by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the of the UN General Assembly in 1948, and by the European Convention of the Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms from 1950. Those declarations reflect both the individuals', as well as the social rights and need to be complemented by a new category of rights, such as: right to information, to a non-polluted environment, to personal life and family secret, and to genetic identity. The respect of laws should not mean domination of majority upon minority.
CDPP within the international Christian democrat political family
7. Through its values, principles, organization and actions belongs to the large political family of the Christian Democracy. Being a full rights member of the Christian Democrat and Popular International, the CDPP cooperates permanently and through all accessible means with other Christian-democratic parties.
Chapter II. Free Development of Personality
Individual, foundation, subject and purpose of the society
8. The modern notion of person derives from the divine revelation. Christianity addresses first of all to individual and then to collectivity. The person is not an isolated individual, but the human as spiritual entity, which is realized though co-union with the other (relative) and with the God. Deriving from this truth, we recognize the supremacy of individual in the hierarchy of the social values. Being the foundation of any human community, it provides the society with the rationale to be. The individual is a subject of rights and obligations that employs deliberately in public life, by subordinating its own interests to common good. Having the individual as purpose of the society, our objective is personal manifestation of everybody, whereas the personality is constituted into a fundamental principle of the Christian-democrat concept about society.
Equality between men and women
9. We recognize the right of any individual to determine his on fate. The CDPP respects the rights of women to equally involve with males in the political, social, professional, scientific, artistically and cultural life less any discrimination. We plead for practical insurance of the right of women also to other activities rather than housekeeping, for equal opportunities with the human ones, in order not to admit her discrimination at work, for increasing the role of the woman in all the life fields, including in politics and for its promoting in managing posts. The CDPP has within its framework a national women's' organization who are involved in realizing our policies with regard to rights and role of woman in the society.
Family, fundamental social institution
10. The family, as smallest and most stable establishment of human living together, is in our view one of fundamental institutions of the nation and of the state. Being founded through uniting a male and female, being supposed to be father and mother, the family offers an optimal gift for personal development in love and co-habitat, tolerance, abnegation, consideration to others and responsibility. The familial cohesion constitutes a necessary element and a precondition of the social solidarity. The parents have the right to breed and bring up their children in compliance with their own convictions. Each family is entitled to a private dwelling. The abortion is regarded as a capita sin and a crime against life and human being. The state is obliged to intervene in order to insure a proper protection to the family, mother and child, for limiting the situations of family abandon, for fighting violence in family and vagrancy.
Youth - the future of our society
11. The youth related policy is a policy about our future. We have to assist the young in finding their own way towards a responsible adult life. The CDPP supports attraction and promotion of the young people in public and managing posts in any field of activity. The state needs to insure the young necessary conditions for living, a performing professional training, an education in the spirit of Christian morality and of unconditioned respect towards the laws and justice. We support the right of the young to unlimited access to education, as well as their right to benefit of advantageous long-term loans. The CDPP guarantees, based on it statutes, the access of the young to management structures of the Party at all levels in a considerable weight. Our young organization "New Generation", as plenipotentiary member of the European Union of the Democratic Youth, develops cooperation relations with similar organizations abroad with a view to conduct joint programs.
Recognizing the experience of generations
12. Based on the perspective of continuity and rapprochement between the generations, the experience of the elder generations constitutes an invaluable patrimony, which needs to be employed to the service of the society at large. In order to insure a real partnership between the generations, the CDPP has within a national organization of seniors. This organization offers the elder individuals to get involved in active political life.
Culture - the expression of the national identity
13. The culture provides a superior expression of the identity of the country. Being based on the multi-secular traditions, it belong to Romanians from the whole world and constitutes our concrete contribution to the patrimony of the European and universal civilization. The culture offers a favorable framework for harmonizing the inter-human relations and can provide for a civilized environment to social co-habitat. The Romanian language constitutes a basic element of our national culture. The CDPP considers that the Romanian language as official one in the Republic of Moldova needs to be protected by law and promoted in all the fields of the social life. We recognize and guarantee the inalienable right of the individuals of other ethnic minorities to study the official language and the culture of the majority, which makes possible to overcome isolation and their full integration in our society.
14. Education represents a national priority and is perceived as an open and democratic system, based on the scientific, cultural and moral values, both informative and formative, through combination of educational factors, such as family, school, church and local community.
15. The CDPP considers that R&D system is one of most important factors for country renovation. We will support the revival of a dynamic and autonomous R&D sector, supported by state, which leads to formation of new knowledge and theories, necessary innovations for sustainable development of the society.
Church and religious communities
16. Regardless to ethnical origin, the absolute majority of the population of the Republic of Moldova is orthodox Christians. Having in Basarabia a bi-millennium history, the Christianity is one of the essential factors of social cohesion. The CDPP supports the Church in its social activities and considers that the role of Church in the society should be redefined through a more active involvement thereof in the public life. The man shaped morally by Christian learning lives his historical destiny in society and state, whereas the eternal destiny in the Church, abnegating socially to his co-inhabitants and spiritually to God. The basic element of the Christian morality consists in capacity to subordinate the personal interests to common welfare.
The CDPP manifests a full responsibility towards all the religious confessions and considers that the political parties should not intervene into the inter-confessional relations.
Civil society
17. The civil society represents expression of privatization and guarantee of promoting democratic values, capacity of citizens to associate and resolve commonly their problems. The development and consolidation of non-government sector is a basic element in insuring the functioning of the democratic institutions. We understand, that only a developed civil society can insure irreversibility of democratic processes in Moldova.
Mass-media, exercising liberty and responsibility
18. Mass media is the forth power in a state. It constitutes an efficient leverage of monitoring and control of the civil society on the political will and of the governing process. Both public and private institutions provide for a free circulation of ideas and values to the benefit of the entire society.
The free opinion constitutes and essential element of democracy. In line with that, liberty of expression implies also a responsibility.
Chapter III. Towards a Market, Social and Sustainable Economy
A new economic order
19. The concept of CDPP with regard to economy is based on the idea of responsible liberty, which means that any individual needs to enjoy freedom, but at the same time to manifest responsibility towards public and private ownership. Such an economic system can insure: sustainable development of the society, freedom to choose profession and job, equality of chances to involve in business, efficient usage of natural property, increasing well-being and social progress.
Private ownership
20. Dignity of person, in the light of Christian morality, requires that any individual have a field of availability of goods. This disposition, being guaranteed by the society is the right of ownership. The economic system, which is based on the private ownership on production means, proved to be the most efficient. The private ownership has both an individual and social dimension, being a premise to individual's freedom and an obstacle to concentration of economic and political power. In line with that, the ownership has an economic dimension expressed by personal interest, by decision making autonomy and competition idea. This is why, the private ownership needs to be guaranteed by the state, with a view to limit the authority of the public institutions on individuals and harmonize the individual interests with those of the community.
Sustainable development
21. Economic sustainable development is a process of economic growth, which insures prosperity, welfare, environment protection and enhancing living standards on permanent basis and for a long term. Reaching the objective of the sustainable development needs a rapid, consistent and coherent promotion of reforms designed to insure economic recovery and growth, convergence of economic performances, protection of natural and social environment, rationale usage of manpower, enhancing the living standards, social and economic cohesion, as well as solidarity among social groups.
Competition and market
22. Competition is a key principle of the market economy. It constitutes an important premise of the economic efficiency and social welfare. Consolidation of competitional environment imposes to promote the policy of stimulating competition and protection of consumers through removing barriers from market entrance, by way of raising exigency towards the quality of products demanded on both domestic and international markets.
Stimulating economic activity
23. Taxation should not suppress the free initiative and be to the detriment of the economic efficiency. The fiscal policies need to stimulate the economic activity, extension of private sector, creation of new jobs, and consequently, raising resources for social protection.
24. The CDPP promotes a strategy based on the principle of transforming the agrarian sector into a generator of added value and stimulator of economic growth. It is necessary to raise the bid of the agricultural production based on the consolidation of private ownership and formation of a viable agricultural society.
Middle class consolidation
25. The middle class constitutes the guarantee of stability and sustainable development of the society. The raising economic potential and consolidation of competition mechanisms can be realized in conditions of supporting small and middle enterprises. In this context it is necessary to support the small business, stimulate the intellectual produce, simplify the fiscal procedures and remove bureaucratic impediments from public administration. By forming and supporting a middle class it will be possible to diminish the discrepancy between a small number of rich and the immense mass of the poor.
Implementation mechanisms
Proceeding from these principles of setting up the economic order, the CDPP will promote the following mechanisms of implementation:
26. In the field of macroeconomic policies: adjusting the monetary policy to structural reforms in all the branches of the economy; utilization of monetary instruments to suppress the inflationist pressures; promotion of policy of non-intervention the foreign exchange market, formation of exchange rate based on free fluctuations; diversification of external sales and services markets, stimulating the domestic and foreign markets oriented towards export; insuring a stable basis of taxation; simplifying the fiscal system; establishing customs tariffs in compliance with international agreements; efficient management of budget resources at all levels, implementing a strict control regime upon the usage of those resources.
27. In industrial policy: supporting the priority branches, canalizing the investments towards those fields; acceleration of enterprise privatization and restructuring process; promoting the policy of increasing productivity, competition and quality during the manufacturing and sales process.
28. In agriculture: supporting the agricultural enterprise restructuring, of capitalizing and concentration of agriculture; development of agricultural infrastructure, creation of agricultural stock-exchanges, development of consulting services to agriculture; developing the funding system of the economic activities in the rural side, including through creating credit associations, supporting entrepreneurs that invest in the rural business.
29. In the field of energy supply: promoting a strategy aimed to insure the energy security, diversification of supply sources with fuels and energy, developing own capacities to produce electric power, optimize the energy consumption; insure the viability of the electric and energy system through realizing interconnections with the European energy system.
30. In infrastructure: Administrative decentralization of communal services; rehabilitation of road nets, reorganizing the railroad through avoiding inefficient sectors.
Social justice
31. The economic order and social justice are inseparable, each one being component part and complementary. Any unjustified economic policy in social terms provokes economic decline and social instability. The sustainable economic development presumes to insure labor conditions and decent living standards, social protection, enhancing welfare and living standards.
32. We consider that the state needs to insure any citizen bigger opportunities on the labor market, stability in his activities and a decent salary. The labor market needs to be a free creation and reciprocally profitable of those who work and o those who offer jobs. The role of the state in this process is to moderate the social dialogue and guarantee the equivalence and equity of services.
33. The social protection and social assistance should provide for: stimulating civil responsibility and solidarity; fair correlation of the contribution of salaries and employers to constituting the social insurance fund; creating some alternative resources to finance the social insurance spending through a combination of the system based on contributions with that based in taxation; developing and providing social services; facilitating the employment of socially vulnerable layers of population through certain legal and institutional mechanisms.
Chapter IV. For a Free and Functional State
Our view with regard to the state
34. In our view the state derives from the will of the citizens to have an authority in respecting the dignity of the individual and his fundamental rights. The state is the foundation of population co-inhabitance in peace, solidarity and justice. These fundamental values can be reached only in a jural, democratic and social state. The task of the state is to promote the welfare of each citizen and of community, to protect the citizens from the threats from beyond the country and protect the justified interests thereof in their relations with other states. In a jural state the week individual also ca affirm them selves.
Protection minorities
35. The CDPP considers that the state does not have to admit no manner of discrimination on ethnical criteria of the citizens of the country, to provide protection and respect to linguistic, religious and cultural identity of the individuals representing national minorities, the specific nature and spiritual values thereof being part of the common national patrimony.
Competence and moral value
36. We consider that the political power needs to be exercised only in transparence, by competent and moral persons. The CDPP supports promotion of people exclusively based on criteria of competence and moral value, so that in the society be established a clear hierarchy depending on the professionalism and fairness of those who administrate public affairs or are involved in politics. We promote the policy of clean hands. The competence and honor of the persons in public offices constitutes an essential condition for ceasing the economic collapse and for social progress of the Republic of Moldova.
Parliamentary democracy
37. Democracy means liberty and possibility to express the political will through a representative parliamentary system. The Parliament expresses the will of the people. The democracy represents at the same time the principle that establishes equilibrium between the individual and community in a society. The democratic solution enhances the responsibility of the members of the society through insuring everybody's' dignity.
Fighting corruption and organized crime
38. Fighting corruption and organized crime is a priority of ours. In order to uproot corruption and fraudulent enrichment, of joining the state with criminal elements, of illicit privatization and public funds embezzlement, the CDPP considers imperiously necessary to revise the current legal framework in terms of avoiding the stipulations that favor emergence and proliferation thereof. All public and state officials must declare their incomes and wealth. Any access to official posts should take place in conditions of maximum transparency. An important role ion fighting corruption and organized crime should be plaid by the judiciary, which needs to be fully separated from other powers, having an absolute independence. The CDPP considers necessary to organize and hold some firm actions aimed at uprooting corruption, to eliminate Mafia structures and sending to trial the corrupted individuals, regardless to their position or post held.
Territorial unity
39. The CDPP reiterates it commitment to the main constitutional principle regarding the unitary and indivisible state. We consider, that restoration of legality and order on the whole territory of the Republic of Moldova must be realized through political methods, with the support and involvement of international organizations, excluding any blackmail from beyond or ultimatum conditions on behalf of the secessionists from Transdnistria.
Local autonomy
40. We plead for a genuine local autonomy, in compliance with the European Chart on Local Autonomy, affirming the principle of subsidiarity, which means a complementary sharing of power between the central authorities and local ones. The central authorities do not have to be assigned tasks that cannot be resolved properly by the local authorities. Both the central authorities, as well as the local ones must act for the common good.
Chapter V. Freedom and Peace Throughout the World
National unity
41. The CDPP remains focused on the idea of national unity, which needs to be accepted as a destine and as a primary condition of peace in the region. The idea that national unity needs to be enlightened by the Christian morality, which means love towards one's neighbor, towards your family, towards your nation, towards surrounding nations, towards humanity. Nobody can integrate though love towards humanity he/she does not love his nation. The Christian morality protects us against the excess of making the love towards one's own nation a reason for hatred or rejection of other nations.
European integration
42. Globalization and creation of certain inter-state entities to be optimal politically, economically, socially, military, etc. constitute tendencies of contemporary world. Autarchy and seclusion are anachronistic and counter- productive. Border transparency and promotion of common values are to the interest of the states. Republic of Moldova's adherence within a foreseeable future to European Union constitutes for us a major strategic objective. Before reaching this objective the relations of the Republic of Moldova with the European Union needs to be developed within the Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation from 1994. Also, the relation with the Council of Europe need to be focused in continuation on those three dimensions: inter-parliamentary, inter-governmental and local democracy cooperation.
Regional and trans-border cooperation
43. For us a particular importance has good neighborhood with those two adjacent countries: the Ukraine in the East, which is one of most important partners of the Republic of Moldova in terms of economic relations, and in the West with Romania, with whom we are linked in terms of special relations determined by the historical community and our linguistic, ethnic and cultural identity. We consider beneficial in all regards to constitute the Three-lateral Romania-Moldova-Ukraine, as well as those two Euro-regions: Lower Danube and Upper Prut.
Our military security
44. Taking into account the geopolitical position of the Republic of Moldova, the CDPP appreciates as inadequate the principle of permanent neutrality stipulated in the Constitution. The strategic irrevocable option of the CDPP is to integrate the Republic of Moldova into North-Atlantic Alliance (NATO) as the sole viable solution for defending independence, sovereignty and integrity of the state.
Chapter VI. The Right to Life and a Clean Environment
Protection of public health
45. The biological nature of the nation and its genetic patrimony represents a guarantee of our continuation in the world and eternity. Health protection of the population needs to be insured through a flexible system of illnesses prevention, though creating a modern medical infrastructure, of a net of balneary and climacteric treatment, seeking to fight the social sicknesses and promotion of a healthy life style. All the citizens, regardless to their financial state, social position and residential locality, need to have the same chances of health and treatment. The patient is entitled to choose the doctor, and the doctor to be free in exercising his profession. We support introducing mandatory health insurance. We consider that the subsidizing health protection needs to be reviewed, so that the share of budget spending in this field from GDP be raised to the level of European countries.
For a clean environment
46. The nature is creation of God. Care and protection of the environment means care for the forthcoming generations and constitute a priority of our polices. We plead for establishing and applying at national level of certain norms and laws that would insure mandatory inclusion of environment protection in any process of decision making economic, social or political. The production systems need to be the objective of some measures capable to reduce to minimum the impact thereof on the environment, thus seeking to reconcile the human with nature and economy with ecology, which constitutes the essence of a sustainable development.
We, the Christian Democrats of the Republic of Moldova, wish to contribute to erecting a new world in which the old animosities and rancor should be replaced by cooperation and genuine partnership. r International we wish to realize this task, being inspired by the fundamental values and principles of the Christian morality such as truth, liberty, responsibility, justice and solidarity.
We appeal to all the men and women from this country - both young and elder, either representing majority or minority - the appeal to join us, so that together build up a better world, fairer, based on more solidarity, freer and more democratic, both for our children and ourselves.
May the Lord help us!
The Program of the Christian-Democratic Peoples' Party was adopted on December 11, 1999 at the VI Congress of the party.
People's Christian Democratic Party:
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