People's Christian Democratic Party

Governing bodies
The Congress
The Congress is the supreme party governing body, which as a rule convenes once a year. An Extraordinary Congress may be convened at the decision of the National Council or at the initiative of at least 1/3 of the party branches.
The Congress:
- Adopts and amends the program and statute;
- Adopts decision on the party tactics, strategy and activities;
- Elects the party Chairperson, National Council, General Secretary and Censor Commission;
- Examines reports on the activity of the National Council and Censor Commission.
The majority of the registered delegates elects the party Chairperson, National Council and Censor Commission via a secret vote.
The majority of the registered delegates elects the Deputy Chairpersons and General Secretary via an open vote.
The decision on amending the party statute and program, or party dissolution shall be adopted by the vote of 2/3 of the registered delegates.
National Council
National Council is the Supreme Governing Body of the CDPP in the time period within the congresses. It consists of the Chairperson and deputy chairpersons, General Secretary of the Party, branches' Chairpersons and their deputies, Chairperson of the autonomous party organizations plus a certain number of party members elected by the Congress.
The Chairperson of the CDPP branch could be recalled from the National Council prior to the Congress by the decision of the Conference of the relevant branch.
The Congress:
- Convenes the Congress and establishes the procedure of representation at the Congress;
- Designates the members of the Permanent Party Bureau;
- Establishes departments and decides on their responsibilities;
- Designates Coordinators in the territory;
- Decides party activities;
- Adopts decisions and resolutions;
- Approves the internal regulations of the youth, women, senior, and worker's branches;
- Approves the internal party regulation.
National Council sessions are convened at the decision of the Permanent Bureau or at the initiative of at least 1/3 of National Council members.
Permanent Bureau
Permanent Bureau is the executive control body in the time period within National Council sessions. It includes the Party Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson, General Secretary, and a certain number of party members elected by the National Council. The Permanent Bureau is headed by the party Chairperson and upon his/her absence by one of the Deputy Chairpersons vested by Chair.
The Permanent Bureau has the following responsibilities:
- Implements the decisions of the party Chairperson and National Council;
- Convenes ordinary sessions of the National Council and party departments;
- Examines the reports submitted by the heads of departments and by other party officials;
- Approves the budget.
Permanent Bureau Departments are established in order to organize the party activity in various fields. The departments are entitled to involve experts in the field for their activity.
People's Christian Democratic Party:
Program / Governing bodies / Statistics / Participation in elections