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People's Christian Democratic Party

Historic background
Christian-Democratic Peoples' Party (CDPP) is a political party of Christian-Democratic orientation, successor of the Democratic Movement of Moldova (1988-1989), Peoples' Front of Moldova (1989-1992) and Christian Peoples' Front of Moldova (1992-1999). CDPP is a full-rights member of Christian-Democratic Peoples' International.
CDPP opposed Communist regime and fought for the fall of the URSS and independence of the Republic of Moldova. Also they supported the de-Communization of Moldova, open and democratic society, administrative-territorial and agrarian reforms.
The party took part in 1990, 1994, 1998, 2001 parliamentary elections and 1999, 2003 local elections. After 1998 elections, the party joined the Alliance for Democracy and Reforms, whose goal was to stop the Communist Party and continue the reforms in the country.
Together with the Communist Party, Christian-Democrats gave a non-confidence vote to the reformist Government headed by Ion Sturza and voted for a new one headed by Dumitru Braghis.
Commencing January 9, 2002 Christian Democrats launched protest rallies opposing to the decision of the Minister of Education, Ilie Vancea, on compulsory study of Russian language in the primary schools. On January 22, 2002 Minister of Justice, Ion Morei, temporarily suspended the activity of the CDPP "for violating certain provisions of the legislation in force". Under international pressure the Minister of Justice cancelled his decision. Though Christian-Democratic Peoples' Party has continued the rallies and blamed the governing party for antidemocratic actions.
People's Christian Democratic Party:
Program / Governing bodies / Statistics / Participation in elections
