National Liberal Party

Registration number: 38
Date of foundation: February 2, 2007
Chairwoman: Vitalia Pavlicenco
Address: Chisinau mun., Calea Iesilor no. 6
Tel.: (373-22) 21-18-18
Fax: (373-22) 21-16-77
Doctrine: Liberalism
Historic background
The constitution congress of the National Liberal Party (NLP) took place on December 16, 2006. The congress approved the Programme and the Statute of NLP and elected the leadership of the party. Vitalia Pavlicenco was elected NLP chairwoman.
NLP is the successor of the homonymous NLP created in Moldova in 1993. NLP (headed by Mircea Rusu) launched a process of consolidation of democratic forced via merger of many political parties after the February 25, 2001 early parliamentary elections, and so the social-liberal Our Moldova Alliance (OMA) has been created. This party was the base of the Electoral Democratic Moldova Bloc (DMB) for the 2005 parliamentary elections, which also included the Democratic Party of Moldova (DPM) and the Social Liberal Party (SLP), and it aimed to defeat the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM). DMB ranked the 2nd place at elections and failed to defeat the PCRM. DPM and SLP have withdrawn from DMB after this failure and following divergences inside of the bloc.
The OMA has repeatedly split shortly after the dissolution of DMB. The social democratic group led by Dumitru Braghis was the first to quit the OMA. Liberal parliamentarians Vitalia Pavlicenco and Anatol Taranu were excluded from OMA later and many members of the Chisinau municipal organisations and other territorial organisations of OMA quitted the alliance as a sign of protest.
According to members excluded from alliance, the liberal wing representing the old NLP group was eliminated for its attempt to give an authentic liberal and national identity to OMA. The NLP was shortly created on basis of this group at the December 16, 2006 Congress.
The new NLP clams to be born from Romanian liberalism starting the 19th century, from liberal Bessarabian tradition of the interwar period and from the National Liberation and Rebirth Movement at confluence of the 1980–1990s in Moldova.
NLP claims to be a strong adept of the modern liberal doctrine practiced particularly in United Europe. The party calls for Moldova’s categorical, definitive and irreversible break-off from ideologies and practices typical to the Russia-controlled Eurasian area. NLP claims to be part of the liberal thinking from Romania, aiming to homogenise the political infrastructure of the two Romanian states.
NLP comes back with the programmatic offer seeking the creation of the Romania-Republic of Moldova Interstate Union, promoted for the first time in 2000. It regards the Romania-Republic of Moldova Interstate Union as a guarantee of advancing toward Euro-Atlantic structures by affirming the Romanian identity of the state and of the major population from Moldova. This political project means the creation of an efficient mechanism to speed up Moldova’s European integration via liberal reforms that meet the European standards, following the first goal to facilitate at maximum the regaining of Romanian citizenship by Moldovan citizens and to reunify the pension systems from the two Romanian states. NLP regards the Romania-Moldova Interstate Union as an efficient mechanism to attract European funds and investments in order to combat poverty and system crisis in Moldova, by quickly modernising the two Romanian states and ensuring this way the security and stability in South-East Europe and at the border with the European Union.
NLP pledges to make people confident over national political class, political teams capable to guarantee the European future of Moldova.