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 2010 Parliamentary Elections
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Liberal Party

Liberal Party Governing Bodies

The following are the national party governing bodies:

  • The Congress;
  • The National Council;
  • The Permanent Bureau of the National Council.

The Congress is the supreme governing and decision-making body of the party. It convenes four times a year. The Congress includes delegates elected by the Regional Conferences in line with the representation principles established by the National Council. The latter approves the agenda, regulation, the date and location of the Congress sessions.

The National Council convenes the extraordinary sessions of the Congress at the initiative of the Party Chair or at the request of the 1/3 of the primary organizations.

The following are ex officio delegates to the Congress: Party Chair, Party Honorary Chair, Chair of the National Council, Party General Secretary, Deputy Chairs of the National Council, Members of the Ethics and Arbitrary Court, members of the Censor Commission.

Ordinary sessions are convened at least 45 days prior to the Congress session, whereas extraordinary sessions 15 days prior to the Congress. The Congress sessions shall be considered deliberative provided the simple majority of the elected delegates are present. Congress resolutions shall be adopted by the majority vote of the delegates to the Congress. The decisions on adoption or modification of the party bylaws and program, on the party dissolution and on ousting the Party Chair shall be adopted by the vote of 2/3 of the delegates present at the session.

The Congress:

  • Adopts and amends party program and bylaws;
  • Hears the activity report of the Party Chair, of the Chair of the National Council and that of the Censor Commission;
  • Validates the Party Chair and approves the party work plan for the time period the Chair has to serve;
  • Elects Party Honorary Chair;
  • Elects for a four year term the National Council and its Chair, Party General Secretary, members of the Ethics and Arbitrary Court and those of the Censor Commission;
  • Hears the report of the Central Censor Commission.

The Congress may delegate some of its competencies to the National Council.

National Council governs the party in the time period between the Congress sessions. The National Council includes elected and ex officio members, whose number is established by the Congress. National Council is formed of individual candidates delegated by the territorial organizations and members recruited as a result of merger with other parties.

The following are the ex officio members of the National Council: the Party Chair, Honorary Chair, General Secretary, Deputy Chairs of the National Council, members of the Central Permanent Bureau, Chairs of the Regional organizations, Chair of the Ethics and Arbitrary Court, General Mayor, Heads of the Chisinau and Balti districts who are members of the party.

The National council is convened once in three months, or whenever it is deemed necessary, as well as at the request of the Chair of the National Council, Chair of the Central Permanent Bureau, or at the request of at least 1/3 of its members. National Council sessions are deliberative provided the majority of its members attend. The National Council decisions are adopted by the majority vote of its members.

The National Council:

  • Elects the Deputy Chairs of the National Council and members of the Central Permanent Bureau for a four year term;
  • Oversees the implementation of the Congress resolutions;
  • Political and organizational leadership in the time period between the Congress;
  • Debates on and decides the party standpoint on major political issues;
  • Approves and coordinates party strategy in local and parliamentary elections;
  • Decides of joining blocs, electoral and post-electoral alliances;
  • Approves the party candidate lists for the parliamentary elections;
  • Settles conflicts related to candidate designation in local elections between local and regional councils;
  • Validates the decisions of the Central Permanent Bureau pertaining to the governing program and members of the Government;
  • Validates the decisions of the Central Permanent Bureau pertaining to political alliances and fusion with other political parties;
  • Approves the party logo, electoral symbols and slogans;
  • Annuls at the recommendation of the Ethics and Arbitrary Court the acts issued by the primary party organizations, which run counter to the bylaws;
  • Approves the Regulation on the election of party chair, analyzes and approves Regulations on party organization and functioning.

The Chair of the National Council:

  • Represents the party in relations with domestic and international institutions;
  • Prepares and chairs the sessions of the National Council and Central Permanent Bureau. Upon his/her absence National Council sessions are chaired by the Council Deputy Chair, whereas Permanent Bureau sessions by the Party General Secretary;
  • Voices party standpoint;
  • Coordinates through his/her deputies the activity of the departments;
  • Holds responsibility for implementing National Council resolutions;
  • Briefs the National Council on the disciplinary measures taken in compliance with the bylaws provisions;
  • Recommends Central Permanent Bureau to establish the electoral staff and its membership;
  • Reports on the activity of the party faction, parliamentary group and Governmental group;
  • Exercises other responsibilities.

Deputy Chairs of the National Council are appointed by the National Council and coordinate the activity of special departments. They report to the Permanent Bureau on the party strategy and tactics in their field of activity.

Central Permanent Bureau governs the party in the time period between National Council sessions. The National Council elects the Central Permanent Bureau for a four-year term. The following are the ex officio members of the Central Permanent Bureau: the party Honorary Chair, Chair of the National Council, General Secretary of the Party, Deputy Chairs of the National Council, and Heads of Departments. The National Council establishes the number of the Central Permanent Bureau members. Central Permanent Bureau sessions are convened by the Chair of the National Council or by 1/3 of its members. The session is considered deliberative provided the majority of its members attend. Central Permanent Bureau decisions are adopted by the majority vote of those in attendance. The Chair of the National Council or upon his/her absence General Secretary of the Party chair the Central Permanent Bureau sessions.

The Central Permanent Bureau:

  • Coordinates the party activity in the time period between the National Council sessions;
  • Ensures the implementation of the Congress and National Council resolutions, develops draft resolutions for the National Council;
  • Develops the party political tactics and submits it to the National Council;
  • Coordinates through General Secretary the consolidation of the party membership;
  • Develops and disseminates the party program and bylaws through Deputy Chairs of the National Council and subordinated departments;
  • Ensures rapid communication with regional party organizations;
  • Briefs National Council on undertaken activities;
  • Recommends National Council to form alliances and merger with other political parties;
  • Establishes and coordinates working groups on bylaws, doctrine and program;
  • Approves the set up of Branches, Leagues, Political commissions, clubs, etc within the party;
  • In parliamentary and local elections submits to the National Council the electoral platform, establishes the electoral staff and designates its chief;
  • Forms and coordinates working groups on domestic and international political, economic and social situation;
  • Submits the candidate lists in view of parliamentary elections for the approval of the National Council;
  • Indites candidates lists as recommended by the Regional Councils for the second level administrative-territorial units, for Chisinau and Balti municipality and special status administrative-territorial units;
  • Hears the reports of the deputy Chairs and Department Chiefs.

Whenever there is a vacancy in the Central Permanent Bureau, it will be filled at the first National Council session by one of its members.

The Chair of the party is elected for a four-year term on an alternative basis by the general assembly in accordance with the Regulation approved by the National Council. The Congress validates election results. The Chair submits for the Congress approval the work plan for his/her term. If the party wins no seats in the state representative bodies, the Party Chair shall submit his/her resignation to the National Council. The Chair is ousted at the recommendation of the Ethics and Arbitrary Court by the vote of 2/3 of the delegates to the Congress. The Chair shall guarantee that the political program of the party shall be fulfilled, that the bylaws shall be observed and that party unity shall be preserved. The Chair:

  • Voices political message of the party;
  • Keeps liaison with other domestic and foreign political parties;
  • Chairs the Congress sessions and presents reports;
  • Convenes and chairs the National Council and Central Permanent Bureau sessions;
  • Recommends Central Permanent Bureau to appoint or oust party representatives in domestic of foreign institutions and forums.

The party may have an Honorary Chair, elected by the Congress from among outstanding personalities, which promote democratic values or scored great achievements in pursuing party objectives. The Honorary Chair represents the moral authority of the Party and is ex officio member of the National Council and Central Permanent Bureau. The Honorary Chair consults the party central bodies on issues of major importance for the party, recommends coordinating party work plan and settles conflicts between central bodies, as well as between central and grassroots bodies.

General Secretary:

  • Coordinates and submits for approval of the Central Permanent Bureau the party policy on personnel policy;
  • Develops and submits for approval the party policy on consolidating primary organizations;
  • Represents the party in relations with domestic and international public authorities;
  • Ensures continues activity of party structures;
  • Reports to the Central Permanent Bureau on the activity of primary organizations;
  • Keeps record of party members;
  • In the absence of the Chair of the National Council, chairs the sessions of the Central Permanent Bureau and signs its resolutions;
  • Coordinates the activity of party apparatus;
  • Develops and submits for the approval of the Central Permanent Bureau the structure and organizational chart of the party Apparatus;
  • Hires and ousts members of the Party Apparatus, in line with the decisions of the Central Permanent Bureau;
  • Exercises other competencies as provided by the bylaws.

Liberal Party:

Program / Governing bodies / Participation in elections

Local Elections 2003




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