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Liberal Party

Historic background
The Liberal Party was created, at the unifying Congress of March 24th 2002, on the basis of the fusion of the Party of Rebirth and Reconciliation of Moldova (1995); the National Peasant Christian-Democratic Party (1995) and the Social Liberal Union "Force of Moldova". The latter was established on September 22th 2001 through the merger of the National Liberal Party (1993) and the Social-Political Movement "For Order and Justice" (2000).
This fusion was a result of a long evolution and, often, contradictory, of the center-right political parties and, specially, of the overwhelming victory of the Communist extreme at the parliamentary elections from 2001. Leaders of the constituent parties of the new party realized the necessity of creation a strong liberal pole, the only one capable of counteracting the communist offensive against the rule of law and the market economy principles.
The Liberal Party had centered its Program on the liberal doctrine and on the most recent neo-liberal achievements. It was taken into consideration both specific features of the transition from a totalitarian society, with a centralized economy, to the modern capitalism, and the strong specific of the Republic of Moldova, a state profoundly marked by the social and ethno-psychological problems, unfavorable geostrategic implications.
The Liberal Party considered that the Republic of Moldova is an integral part of the European cultural area and that its place in the new European architecture is in the European Union and NATO. In this purpose, liberals considered obligatory the modernization of the Republic of Moldova on a basis of western European values and models. Liberal option - considers the Liberal Party - will unbind the producer, will stimulate free initiative and competitiveness, state non-interference in the activity of economic agencies and, at last, appearance of a stable economy, dynamic and performing, with a strong social potential.
The Liberal Party was an advocate of the minimal state concept, as a strong, but based on the primacy of individual values, on the rights and freedoms of the citizen.
Taking into account the specific of the ethnic composition in the state, the Liberal Party was an advocate of the idea of the civil nation, assuring the right to the ethnic identity of each person. Liberals were convinced that all inter-ethnic problems and those regarding borders between countries can be solved only in the framework of an unified Europe, following the EU example and the accelerate globalization of the economy.
Being extra parliamentary parties, constituent formations of the Liberal Party represent, according to the last parliamentary elections, 12% from total suffrages. The Liberal Party is largely represented in the local public administration, has Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen at the Councils of the territorial units of grade II, thousands of local counselors, hundreds of mayors, etc. Among the party leaders are: Mircea Snegur, first President of the Republic of Moldova (1991-1996); Valeriu Muravschi, former Prime Minister (1991-1992); Vlad Ciobanu, former Vice-Chairman of the Parliament (1999-2000); Mircea Rusu, former Deputy of the Parliament, President of the Union of Industrials and Entrepreneurs; Mihai Cimpoi, former deputy, Chairman of the Union of Writers, more than 30 deputies which in, 1991, voted the Declaration of the Independence of the Republic of Moldova, deputies and ministers from other democratic, reformist Parliaments and Governments, noteworthy personalities from diverse areas of the public life. Also, in the party act youth and women organizations, which are structured on the local and national level.
The Liberal Party maintains relations with Liberal oriented parties from Belgium, Denmark, Hungary, Netherlands, Romania, Russia, Ukraine etc.
Leaders of the Liberal Party: Veceaslav Untila, Chairman of the Liberal Party; Vlad Ciobanu, Chairman of the National Council; Vladimir Braga, General Secretary of the party; Anatol Taranu, Valeriu Muravschi, Mihai Severovan, Vitalia Pavlicenco, Anatol Vidrascu, Vice-chairman of the National Council of the Liberal Party. Chairman of the party was elected on October 27th, 2002, on an alternative basis, in a general ballot of the party.
On the July 19, 2003 PL decided to suspend its activity and join the Party "Moldova Noastra Alliance".
Liberal Party:
Program / Governing bodies / Participation in elections
