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Party of Spiritual Development "Moldova Unita" (United Moldova)

Date of registration: February 28, 2006
No of registration: 35
Chairwoman: Ana Tcaci
Address: Chisinau, str. Armeneasca nr. 84
Tel.: (373-22) 22-92-02
Historical overview
The founding Congress of the Party of Spiritual Development "Moldova Unita" (United Moldova) was held on May 21, 2005. The Congress adopted party’s program and bylaws and elected its governing bodies.
The main goals of the Party "United Moldova" are, as follows: active involvement of citizens into the political, social, economic and cultural life of the Republic of Moldova; improving living standards of people; stimulation of spiritual, moral and aesthetic education of people; to support talented people in all fields of the national art; to ensure social cohesion; protection of human rights and freedoms; to support people from countryside; to ensure the necessary conditions for the development of education, science and culture; to contribute to the European integration of the Republic of Moldova, etc.
