Republican Council
Republican Council Presidium
Party Chairperson
Revision Commission
The Congress is the supreme governing body of DPPM. The Party Republican Council shall decide the number of delegates to the Congress representing party organizations at all the levels two months prior to the Congress. It is convened once in four years. The Party Extraordinary Congress may be convened at the decision of the Republican Council or at the request of 2/3 of party members. The Extraordinary Congress is convened within two months of the day all the necessary conditions are met. The Congress: Elects for a four year term the Party Chair, Republican Council, Republican Revision Commission as well as its Chair; Adopts, completes and amends the party program and bylaws; Hears and approves Republican Council reports; Approves the party long term objectives; Decides on suspending party activity, on appointing Liquidation Commission and approving liquidation balance-sheet. Republican Council: Is the Party governing body in the time period between the Congresses; At the recommendation of the Party Chair elects deputy Chair, Republican Council Presidium and Party Secretary; Hears the reports submitted by the Party Chair, Chair of the Revision Commission and adopts relevant decisions; Drafts the regulation and fields of activity of the Republican Council Presidium; Decides to convene the Party Congress, sets the place, time and representation quota; Submits for the Congress approval the party logo, flag and symbols. Republican Council includes Chairs of the county and municipal party primary organizations and members of the Republican Council Presidium. It holds its plenary sessions whenever it is necessary, but no rarely than once in six months. The Party Chairperson heads the Republican Council. Republican Council Presidium is the executive body of the Party Republican Council. It includes the Party Chair, Deputy Chairs, Republican Council Secretary, and Head of the Revision Commission. Republican Council has the following competencies: To coordinate the enforcement of Republican Council and Congress decisions; To coordinate the activity of county party organizations; To examine and pass decisions on party current activity; To cooperate with other parties and socio-political movements, keep liaison with local and central authorities in view of achieving party goals; To settle other issues outside the exclusive competence of the Party Congress. Republican Council Presidium holds its sessions whenever it is necessary but no rarely than once per month. Party Chairperson: Runs the party and coordinates the activity of the Party official representatives in the time period between the sessions of party governing bodies; Represents the Party in relations with state, non-governmental, international and other citizen organizations, including in court; Approves the personnel record of the Republican Council apparatus; Runs the activity of the Republican Council Presidium; Exercises other functions in line with party objectives and statutory goals. Revision Commission: Is an elected, independent body subordinated to the Congress; Oversees the enforcement of bylaws provisions, party financial and economic activity its branches and enterprises; Is entitled to request convocation of an extraordinary session of the Republican Council; Obligatorily submits reports on the activity carried out by the party governing bodies in the time period between the Congresses. The Party Congress decides and changes Revision Commission membership. Democratic Peoples' Party of Moldova: Program / Governing bodies / Participation in elections
The Congress:
Republican Council: Is the Party governing body in the time period between the Congresses; At the recommendation of the Party Chair elects deputy Chair, Republican Council Presidium and Party Secretary; Hears the reports submitted by the Party Chair, Chair of the Revision Commission and adopts relevant decisions; Drafts the regulation and fields of activity of the Republican Council Presidium; Decides to convene the Party Congress, sets the place, time and representation quota; Submits for the Congress approval the party logo, flag and symbols. Republican Council includes Chairs of the county and municipal party primary organizations and members of the Republican Council Presidium. It holds its plenary sessions whenever it is necessary, but no rarely than once in six months. The Party Chairperson heads the Republican Council. Republican Council Presidium is the executive body of the Party Republican Council. It includes the Party Chair, Deputy Chairs, Republican Council Secretary, and Head of the Revision Commission. Republican Council has the following competencies: To coordinate the enforcement of Republican Council and Congress decisions; To coordinate the activity of county party organizations; To examine and pass decisions on party current activity; To cooperate with other parties and socio-political movements, keep liaison with local and central authorities in view of achieving party goals; To settle other issues outside the exclusive competence of the Party Congress. Republican Council Presidium holds its sessions whenever it is necessary but no rarely than once per month. Party Chairperson: Runs the party and coordinates the activity of the Party official representatives in the time period between the sessions of party governing bodies; Represents the Party in relations with state, non-governmental, international and other citizen organizations, including in court; Approves the personnel record of the Republican Council apparatus; Runs the activity of the Republican Council Presidium; Exercises other functions in line with party objectives and statutory goals. Revision Commission: Is an elected, independent body subordinated to the Congress; Oversees the enforcement of bylaws provisions, party financial and economic activity its branches and enterprises; Is entitled to request convocation of an extraordinary session of the Republican Council; Obligatorily submits reports on the activity carried out by the party governing bodies in the time period between the Congresses. The Party Congress decides and changes Revision Commission membership. Democratic Peoples' Party of Moldova: Program / Governing bodies / Participation in elections
Republican Council includes Chairs of the county and municipal party primary organizations and members of the Republican Council Presidium. It holds its plenary sessions whenever it is necessary, but no rarely than once in six months. The Party Chairperson heads the Republican Council.
Republican Council Presidium is the executive body of the Party Republican Council. It includes the Party Chair, Deputy Chairs, Republican Council Secretary, and Head of the Revision Commission. Republican Council has the following competencies: To coordinate the enforcement of Republican Council and Congress decisions; To coordinate the activity of county party organizations; To examine and pass decisions on party current activity; To cooperate with other parties and socio-political movements, keep liaison with local and central authorities in view of achieving party goals; To settle other issues outside the exclusive competence of the Party Congress. Republican Council Presidium holds its sessions whenever it is necessary but no rarely than once per month. Party Chairperson: Runs the party and coordinates the activity of the Party official representatives in the time period between the sessions of party governing bodies; Represents the Party in relations with state, non-governmental, international and other citizen organizations, including in court; Approves the personnel record of the Republican Council apparatus; Runs the activity of the Republican Council Presidium; Exercises other functions in line with party objectives and statutory goals. Revision Commission: Is an elected, independent body subordinated to the Congress; Oversees the enforcement of bylaws provisions, party financial and economic activity its branches and enterprises; Is entitled to request convocation of an extraordinary session of the Republican Council; Obligatorily submits reports on the activity carried out by the party governing bodies in the time period between the Congresses. The Party Congress decides and changes Revision Commission membership. Democratic Peoples' Party of Moldova: Program / Governing bodies / Participation in elections
Republican Council Presidium holds its sessions whenever it is necessary but no rarely than once per month.
Party Chairperson: Runs the party and coordinates the activity of the Party official representatives in the time period between the sessions of party governing bodies; Represents the Party in relations with state, non-governmental, international and other citizen organizations, including in court; Approves the personnel record of the Republican Council apparatus; Runs the activity of the Republican Council Presidium; Exercises other functions in line with party objectives and statutory goals. Revision Commission: Is an elected, independent body subordinated to the Congress; Oversees the enforcement of bylaws provisions, party financial and economic activity its branches and enterprises; Is entitled to request convocation of an extraordinary session of the Republican Council; Obligatorily submits reports on the activity carried out by the party governing bodies in the time period between the Congresses. The Party Congress decides and changes Revision Commission membership. Democratic Peoples' Party of Moldova: Program / Governing bodies / Participation in elections
Revision Commission: Is an elected, independent body subordinated to the Congress; Oversees the enforcement of bylaws provisions, party financial and economic activity its branches and enterprises; Is entitled to request convocation of an extraordinary session of the Republican Council; Obligatorily submits reports on the activity carried out by the party governing bodies in the time period between the Congresses. The Party Congress decides and changes Revision Commission membership. Democratic Peoples' Party of Moldova: Program / Governing bodies / Participation in elections
The Party Congress decides and changes Revision Commission membership.
Democratic Peoples' Party of Moldova:
Program / Governing bodies