Democratic Party of Moldova

Program of the Democratic Party of Moldova
Political Program
The Republic of Moldova will be able to meet the standards of the XXIst century provided it ensures the following:
- positive image of the country;
- public order and security of the citizens;
- implementation of the European democratic values;
- supremacy of the law;
- human rights observance;
- assumption of political responsibility;
- social solidarity.
Achievement of the objectives set for the economy, social security, foreign affairs, environment will contribute to the edification of a modern and efficient state. The increase of the populations' living standards is based on a dynamic and competitive market economy.
No modern society could exist or develop successful without an efficient state, which would guarantee:
- Order and justice, rule of law;
- Fundamental human rights and freedoms;
- Conditions boosting private initiatives;
- Decent living for the socially vulnerable strata of the society;
- Environment protection.
The Democratic Party of Moldova considers that with the adoption of the new Constitution in July 1994, was launched a process of establishing a legal framework for the modern state, a market economy and a civil society. Important roles in this respect have played the amendments to the Constitution with regard to parliamentary republic adopted on July 5, 2000.
It is important to accelerate the enforcement of the administrative-territorial and public administration reform. The reform is aimed to free the state from the duties not characteristic to it. By empowering local government to solve the problems ordinary citizens are facing, these would be solved faster and more efficiently.
DPM considers the consistent enforcement of the judicial reform as being its top priority. By turning judges into independent and competent bodies, citizen's confidence in them will considerably increase. The prestige of the prosecution will rise if it will be freed from functions, which are not within its competence and if the equality of the parts involved in the trial will be ensured. It is of high importance to develop and adopt up to date Penal, Civil, Procedural and Fiscal Codes.
DPM reiterates that eastern districts of the Republic of Moldova, which are outside legal control, are an integral part of our country. PDM supports peaceful resolution of the Transdnistrian problem, by means of negotiations in compliance with the Constitution and other laws of the Republic of Moldova, and by observing both the interests of the entire nation and of the people residing in the eastern districts. PDM opposes the further dislocation of the Russian army on the soil of Moldova and militates for their immediate evacuation. Moldova should undertake permanent and various diplomatic efforts to settle Transdnistrian conflict. We strongly believe that it is necessary to actively involve influential international organizations such as, UN, OSCE, Council of Europe, and European Union, etc., in this conflict resolution.
In order to live in a democratic society, with a market economy and civil society the following prerequisites are necessary:
- Citizens readiness to have private initiatives;
- Citizens readiness to assume responsibility for their actions;
- Law and other peoples' rights observance;
- Openness to dialog, other opinions, pluralism of ideas.
DPM will strive to consolidate civil society and its institutions in an effort to create a favorable legal framework for the promotion of its policy at the local and central level, and a favorable environment for the society as a whole.
Economic Program
While developing this program DPM attentively studied the experience of other European countries, which are governed today, as a rule, by the social democrats.
The basic principle of the authentic democracy and its natural foundation is the development of market economy based on private property. Any type of a program, including economic one, will not be complete if it does not undertakes a realistic analysis of the Republic of Moldova 10-year transition period, marked by trials and errors. In our program we haven't reduced the analysis of the transition period to an overview of concrete individuals who are to be blamed for their mistakes, but rather considered the key elements, which could bring success:
- Price liberalization;
- Privatization;
- Macroeconomic stability.
The experts in the field, at least, already know for a fact that inconsistency in the macroeconomic stabilization process and weak budgetary and fiscal policy, which relied mainly on exaggerated internal and foreign loans, has progressively ruined country's economy.
The state played an uncertain role during the transition years, to put it differently, the state auto-excluded itself from the economic process. It relied on the fact that the private sector will influence the establishment of market infrastructure in the Republic of Moldova.
Other important elements of our economic program are the macroeconomic stability and establishing an economic environment, which would abolish all the barriers in the development of business and licensing.
A separate component of our economic program is the development of small and medium business. This desideratum is frequently called upon as a miracle, which would pull the country out of the crisis. We see it not only from an economic, but also from poverty eradication and creating a middle class perspective. The latter, i.e. middle class, is a potential for the future of our party. Also in our economic program we put forward issues related to the agrarian sector and its development, as more than 70% of the country population are working in this sector. A special attention in the program is given to the economy globalization and international economic relations. We have a small economy and it should be opened to the rest of the world, whereas the country should benefit of foreign economic relations. All the activities we plan are targeted toward ensuring a sustainable economic growth, and solving social problems.
Thus, top priorities in our economic agenda are social problems. Eradicating poverty by reducing the unemployment, ensuring citizen access to a minimum social security, Medicare and education are only some of the economic measures we'll undertake in order to offer a real chance to the country.
Democratic Party of Moldova:
Program / Governing bodies / Statistics / Participation in elections