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Party of Civic Dignity of Moldova

"Human dignity is in your hands: preserve it! It dies with you! It will revive with you!"
It is very difficult, almost impossible to cure a person without establishing the diagnosis first. Likewise it is difficult to improve the situation in a country without knowing what it suffers of. Violation of laws, chaotic initiatives, entropy, boom of personal interests, hypocrisy, boom of greed and avidity, inflation and waste of energy, lost hope, neurosis and inflexibility. To cite only the few elements of the diagnosis of the current socio-political and economic situation in the country, which determined the establishment of the Party of the Civic Dignity of Moldova.
General goals
The Party of Civic Dignity of Moldova is a socio-political organization, uniting citizens of the Republic of Moldova who undertook to achieve their own work plan in line with the Constitution and legislation of the Republic of Moldova:
- Consolidating state independence and integrity;
- Establishing a true democratic society;
- Preserving and consolidating the traditions of interethnic consensus and harmony between all the ethnic groups residing in the Republic of Moldova by ensuring equal rights to all its citizens regardless of ethnic origin and confessions;
- Establishing a rule of law state observing each citizens' dignity, freedoms and guarantees;
- Establishing an efficient social security system for vulnerable groups;
- Developing a mechanism preventing electoral terrorism, appointment of unqualified, corrupt people lacking patriotism and bearing the reminiscence of totalitarian regime to high rank positions.
Home affairs
As for domestic affairs, Party of Civic Dignity pleads for improving liaison between all branches of power. In this respect a set of laws should be drafted providing for the liability of the President, MPs and Government for the mistakes committed during their governing, failure to comply with the electoral promises made during electoral campaigns. It is easy to promise, but hard to fulfil!
In this respect Party of Civic Dignity also pleads for developing a so-called governing mechanism providing that parties represented in Parliament and their individual members, failing to keep up their electoral promises should not be allowed to run in the next elections but be punished for cheating on the people. Furthermore, parties represented in parliament but staying in opposition should be entitled only to a consultative vote, without enjoying a salary or any other privileges.
Under the same mechanism parliamentary parties should be prohibited to designate candidates not possessing the state language and representing only one nationality. Any individual representing cohabiting ethnicity, observing country legislation, who committed no offense, speaks fluently the state language and proves through his/her deeds that is a patriot of the country is entitled to take any state position.
The governing mechanism should provide a strict control over spending of public money and reduction of administrative apparatus. The party pleads for the following Government structure:
- Prime Minister;
- Senior Deputy Prime Minister;
- State Minister - Minister of Foreign Affairs;
- Minister of Economy (Finance Department; Industry Department, Income Department, Transport & Telecommunication, Agriculture Department, Commerce Department);
- Ministry of State Security (Home Affairs Department, Military Department, Exceptional Situations Department);
- Healthcare Ministry (Environment Department, Sanatorium Department);
- Culture Ministry (Education Department, Religious Cults, Youth and Sports Department).
Party of Civic Dignity believes the high number of MPs and Parliament apparatus is unjustified. For a small country like Moldova there should be half as many MPs there are today.
Economy reform
In this field Party of Civic Dignity pleads for the following:
- Industry modernization, privatization of the companies by foreign investors following the example of developed countries (Netherlands, Japan, Germany, Denmark, etc);
- Cutting the privileges of economic agents;
- State monopoly on alcohol and tobacco production;
- Agriculture reform through state credits for at least 5 years and machinery;
- Efficient fiscal policy following US and Germany example, where embezzlement is considered a serious offence.
The Party of Civic Dignity pleads for western system (medical insurance, differentiated hospitals, etc). There are all the conditions for the production of drugs and medical equipment in the Republic of Moldova. The Party pleads for boosting this industry. Medical workers should be entitled to land ownership.
The Party of Civic Dignity pleads for establishing favorable conditions boosting science and research. A state without science is a state without morality and civic dignity. The same is valid for education in schools and other institutions.
We live in an information era and the Party of Civic Dignity pleads for providing schools with equipment, which would allow high standards of education.
Party of Civic Dignity is aware of the fact that major civilizations were heavily influenced by religions, such as the Chinese, German, and Jewish. That is why Party of Civic Dignity pleads for introduction of a new discipline for the "souls" in schools. The variety of confessions is an impediment in this respect. Religion taught in schools would positively influence the new generation and its positive thinking and would increase the prestige of teachers in schools. Party of Civic Dignity believes that religion would cure the young generation of such diseases as drugs, alcohol, and aggressiveness.
Party of Civic Dignity believes it is necessary to develop a national training program, in particular study visits abroad. Scholarship for young students would be very important in this respect.
Party of Civic Dignity believes teachers from the rural areas should be entitled to the same land quotas as the farmers are.
Social security
Party of Civic Dignity believes the state could not honor its obligations with regard to pensioners and other vulnerable strata of the society as social security is highly dependant on industry, agriculture, fiscal system, fighting corruption and crime. As long as those problems are not properly dealt with social security system would remain an unsettled national problem. That is why Party of Civic Dignity opts for the two Senior Deputy Prime Minister positions to be held by persons directly responsible for perfecting the legal framework and solving social security problems of the population.
Fighting crime
Party of Civic Dignity believes the current legal framework is inappropriate and inefficient for the criminal situation in the country as of today. In this respect Party of Civic Dignity pleads for toughening the punishment for:
- Embezzlement - up to 20 years in prison;
- Rape - life sentence in prison;
- Robbery of personal property - 15-20 years;
- Driving in drunk condition - 2 yeas and confiscation of the automobile;
- Extortion or other similar actions - up to 20 years;
- Food falsifying - 20 years;
- Smuggling of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, etc - 15-20 years;
- Year 2000 should be the year of a huge national trial: where are the patrimony bonds, who took advantage of the "deal", who are the guilty ones?
"Where there is no compliance with the law there is no respect in the society. Human dignity is diminished and the state existence is endangered".
Foreign policy
As for the foreign policy, the Party of Civic Dignity of Moldova pleads for the country integration in the European Community and against joining any military blocs. Party of Civic Dignity believes a top priority is extending the cooperation with European countries and European structures.
It is painful to plan many things and achieve nothing. We plan little so as not to look foolish, or as knowing everything! And this because we poses a dignity not depending on luck, because of the attitude, which predestines us for great things, because of our self-appreciation. All of this entitles us to win the respect of other fellow citizens, regardless of origin, status or merit.
Party of Civic Dignity of Moldova:
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