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Agrarian Party of Moldova

ADPM Governing bodies (under the Statute approved by the IV Congress of June 14, 1997)
The Congress is the supreme governing body of the ADPM. It includes delegates elected at the rayon and municipal conferences or at the general party assemblies.
ADPM Congress:
- Adopts decisions on establishing and developing ADPM;
- Adopts and amends ADPM program and statute;
- Adopts the party symbol;
- Adopts decisions on problems in the party activity;
- Examines and hears the reports submitted by the party governing bodies;
- Evaluates the socio-economic situation in the country, based on the basic principles of the party ideological program;
- Elects ADPM republican bodies, which govern the party in the time period between the Congresses, namely National Council, the party Chair, Prime-Deputy Chair and 3 Deputy Chairs, National Censor Commission; further the Congress establishes the number of the members in those governing bodies.
The Congress is convened once in 4 years, in exceptional cases it is convened at the request of 1/3 of the Republican Council members. The representation at the Congress is established by the Republican Council, which also sets the date and develops the agenda.
Republican Council (105-119 persons) includes Chairs of the rayonal and municipality ADPM organizations, as well as representatives of the organizations elected to the Congress. The Party Chair is also the Chair of the Council, whereas the Deputy Chairs are members of the Council.
Republican Council convenes trimestrially, or if necessary more often. The Executive Committee is also entitled to convene the extraordinary sessions of the Council, as is a group of at least 1/3 of the council members.
Executive Committee (17-19 members) coordinates party activity and is elected by the Republican Council. The Party Chair heads the Committee, whereas the Deputy Chairs are among the Council members. The Executive Committee approves the organizational chart. It convenes whenever it is deemed necessary, but no rare than once a month.
The governing bodies and leadership are elected by the majority vote (50+1), as are their decisions. The decisions are considered valid provided 2/3 of the total number of party members attend.
Agrarian Party of Moldova:
Program /
Governing bodies /
Statistics /
Participation in elections
