Party of Communists of Moldova

Historic background
Following the suspension of the Communist Party activity in August 1991, an initiative group headed by Vladimir Voronin was established in order to fight for annulling the law stipulating the suspension of the party registration. Under the provisions of the Law on Political Parties and Other Socio-Political Organizations the Committee started collecting signatures for establish a new Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova.
In October of 1993 the Party of Communists founding conference was held. At the conference 179 delegates of the Party of Communists were elected representing party organizations and committees from Chisinau, Balti, Comrat, Cahul, Soroca, Drochia, Straseni and other rayons of the republic. Also at the conference the establishment of the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova was declared, the Statute was approved, and the Republican Party Soviet was elected together with other three co-chairs, one of them being Vladimir Voronin. A call was issued during the conference to all interested persons to join the party. Following the conference, the Party Republican Soviet started forming party structures.
In April 1994 the second founding conference was held. The statute of the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova was amended during the conference. In the same month the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova was officially registered. During the first Congress of the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova held in December 1994, 3100 communists representing 165 primary party organizations from 35 rayonal committees elected 409 delegates.
The Congress approved the party Program, operated several modifications to the Statute, and elected the Central Committee and Central Revision Commission of the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova.
The Plenary of the Central Committee elected the Executive Political Committee and designated Vladimir Voronin as its Secretary.
In March 1995, the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova joined the Union of Communist Parties.
In August 1996 the second Congress of the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova was held. At the third Congress held in March 1997, 409 delegates from all the administrative-territorial units of Moldova were elected and 417 primary structures of the party.
The Party of Communists took part in the 1995, 1999 and 2003 local elections and 1998 and 2001 parliamentary elections. The Party also designated its candidate in the 1996, 2000 and 2001 presidential elections.
After the 1998 parliamentary elections Communist Faction stayed in opposition to the Alliance for Democracy and Reforms and gave a non-confidence vote to the Sturza Government. In 2000 the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova voted for the parliamentary governing system in the Republic of Moldova.
As a result of early parliamentary elections of February 25, 2001 the Party of Communists received 71 out of the 101 seats in Parliament, thus they formed the majority in parliament capable to modify the Constitution and to appoint the head of state. On April 4, 2001 Vladimir Voronin, First Secretary of the Party of Communists, was elected the President of the Republic of Moldova.
During the IV Congress of the Party of Communists held on April 21-22, 2001 the party bylaws were amended and two new positions were established: Chairperson of the Party of Communists and Executive Secretary of the Party of Communists Central Committee. On April 22, 2002 Vladimir Voronin was elected as the Party Chairperson. Victor Stepaniuc, Leader of the Communist faction in Parliament, was elected as Executive Secretary.
The Congress elected from among Central Committee members the Political Executive Bureau including 12 members, among others Eugenia Ostapciuc, Vasile Iovv, Valerian Cristea, Iurie Stoicov, Valerie Garev, Victoria Novic, etc.
On September 27, 2003 Party of Civic Dignity of Moldova joined PCRM.
On December 11, 2004 the V Congress of PCRM was held. 630 delegates out of those 641 elected by all city and rayonal party organisations participated to the Congress. The Congress re-elected Vladimir Voronin as the Party Chairperson and designated the composition of the Central Committee and Central Revision Commission. Following the V Congress of PCRM, the Plenary of the Central Committee and Central Revision Commission newly elected were held. The Plenary of the Central Committee elected the Executive Political Committee's members, and Valeriu Sava and Victor Stepaniuc as secretaries of the party Central Committee.
As a result of winning 2005 parliamentary elections, the PCRM received 56 parliamentary seats. This allowed PCRM to promote his leader, Vladimir Voronin, with the support of PPCD, PDM and PSL, for a second mandate as the President of Moldova. On April 19, 2005 PCRM approved the activity program and composition of the Tarlev II Government.
Party of Communists of Moldova:
Program / Governing bodies / Statistics / Participation in elections