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"Moldova Noastra (Our Moldova)" Alliance

The Program
A decade after the proclamation of independance, The Republic of Moldova is still prisoner of an imperfect political system and underdevelopment. The failures of the previuos governments have created conditions for lasting nostalgic left-wing in power. This leads to the blocking of economic reforms, isolation of Moldova from the western financial, economic and political institutions and consequently, to a chronic poverty and political instability.
In these circumstances the emergence of a big and influential political party, firmly oriented towards development and modernization appears to be the only solution to face the risk of compromizing the future of the Republic of Moldova. Being aware of the vital need of having such a political force in Moldova, The Social-Democrat Alliance of Moldova, The Liberal Party and The Alliance of the Independent merge to create the Party "Alliance ĞMoldova Noastrağ" (Our Moldova).
The Party "Alliance ĞMoldova Noastrağ" asumes the role of modern and responsible political party, based on democratic order, inter-ethnic peace and preocupation for prosperity of the people of Moldova. Our main objectives are: democracy and market economy, national dignity and inter-ethnic harmony, european integration.
1. We want a new type of political formation
In its activity the Party shall be based on the doctrine concept of contemporary social-liberalism, which, presently, represents the result of convergence of liberal and social-democrat trends, in the direction of combining the principles of individual freedom and social solidarity, minimum involvement of the state and the responsibility of the state to ensure equal and unconditional observance of the law, the primacy of private property, free competition and initiative, increased social protection. The joint effort of liberal and social-democrat policies in western Europe have resulted in a new political thinking and practice, according to which ensuring general well- being is inconceivable without the well-being of each individual. We are sure that social- liberal policies open the most effective ways of development for the former socialist countries, which experienced the ruining practice of building a rich country with poor people. The experience of post-comunist countries has demonstrated that only strong liberal reforms along with a solid social component can speed up transition and put the economy back on track.
In order to attain these objectives, the Party shall promote only those profesionals with reform-oriented way of thinking, untainted by the old mentality and bureaucratic stereotypes. We are strongly intent on the need of reshuffling our political classand diminishing the influence of persons who represent oligarchic and criminal groupings and persons compromised by previous faulty governments.
The gradual renewal of the political class, by promoting young and highly qualified people, overcoming primitive and populist approaches will lead to the establishment of a modern and competitive political formation, capable of stopping the social and economic decline and re-launching democratic and economic reforms. In the same time, the Party is against nihilist attempts to blame some politicians and thier political experience for the sole reason of their not being part of the young generation of politicians. The Party is in favour of continuing the political experience of all generations, by combining efforts for the benefit of the country. We are aware of the fact that the trust of the population in democratic values can be regained only by the coming to power of a team of sacrifice, which would demonstrate self-denial, honesty and correctness, and insist on total transparency in the process of resolving the problems. To achieve this goal the Party will promote a Code of Honour to be applied and observed by all politicians involved in the leadership of the country in state structures of all levels.
2. Who we are
The Party "Alliance ĞMoldova Noastrağ", created as a result of the merger of: The Social-Democrat Alliance of Moldova; The Liberal Party; The Alliance of the Independent, unites representatives of democratic, reform-oriented forces of Moldova, being a part of the multi-party system, established in our country as a result of the democratic and national revival movement at the end of 1980's beginning of the 1990's of the last century.
In its policy the Party starts from the awareness of the responsibilities for the destiny of the population and of the country, for the protection of national interests and democratic institutions, for observance of fundamental rights and freedoms, for realization of civilized standards of living for all.
The party is ready to face the political and social-economic challenges of the beginning of the XXI century . The Party wants to give political expression to the new realities, as a response to the imperative of re-grouping democratic and reform-oriented forces of the society, changing the forms and contents of political activity aiming at promoting genuine democratic reforms, combating the offensive of totalitarian forces, for a true European integration of the Republic of Moldova.
The distorted social-economic reforms, the inconsistency in the political orientation demand the emergence of a new formation on the political stage, which could difine clearly a strategic, democratic and reforming orientation, as an alternative to both the comunists and the previous governments. A clear, constructive and convincing alternative is proposed to the citizens of Moldova, a new concept about the ways of overcoming the extremely difficult situation of the society.
The Party inteds to convince the people that in the first half of the last decade the democratic forces achieved an advanced speed of reforms, one of the highest in the post-soviet countries, but after the coming to power of the nostalgic forces, the process of democratization and reforms stopped. "Alliance ĞMoldova Noastrağ" considers that democracy and reforms must become attractive and gain the support of the entire society. This can only be achieved through radical and rapid transformations, through a coherent and speedy way towards the rule of law and market economy.
3. A hard legacy
The collapce of the soviet totalitarian system has generated favorable conditions for the emergence of the independent Republic of Moldova and for the realization of the choice of the population for democracy, reforms and european integration. The reforming intentions, then, ended up in an obvious failure, bringing about the total decline of the economy, the social disaster and political instability
These developments had two main causes:
a) due to its geographical location and the intersection of some great geopolitical interests, the Republic of Moldova has become a buffer-zone, a fact that has generated instability, territorial disintegration of the state, criminalization of the society and, partly, of the power; the existence of influence leverages of some political circles, including those from outside the country, did not allow the Republic of Moldova to pursue a consistent policy of European integration and a pragmatic approach in relations with the neighbouring countries. The permanent distructive interference from outside generated false ethnic problems, which hindered the consolidation of the society in the idea of building a state with the rule of law and market economy.
b) Another major negative factor was the coming back of people with old mentality in the key leadership positions, who just mimed the reforms and maintained the restrictive and distributive character of the bureaucratic state structures. The distortion of reforms ruined the economic potential, stopped the process of establishment of a large category of entrepreneurs, perpetuated the stereotypes of the administrativ-directivist system. This led to a mingling of criminality and power representatives of all levels, thus creating a society in which a small oligarchy dominates over the greatest majority of people who live in poverty. On this background, the electorate, out of despair, chose the populist and nostalgic forces. As a result the population is affected by immorality, disease and social vices: degradation of the environment, degradation of education, alcoholism, prostitution, drugs etc.
4. Our option
The Republic of Moldova is part of the European cultural area and the main effort of ensuring a place in this new European architecture is integration- plenary and unequivocal- in the European structures. For this purpose we must modernize the society and the state, on the basis of western European values, taking into accont the specific character and centuries old traditions of our people. In its activity the Party is firmly based on the constitutional norms and the laws of the Republic of Moldova, at the same time being guided by the norms of western democracies, the principle of priority of the rights and freedoms of the citizens. The party recognizes the supremacy of the norms and principles enshrined in the fundamental European acts, to which Moldova is party.
Because Moldova was torn away from the European social, economic, cultural and spiritual development, "Alliance ĞMoldova Noastrağ" is aware of the entire gravity of the problems we face, first of all the old, equalitarianist mentality, servile to any regime. Implicitly, "Alliance ĞMoldova Noastrağ" shall develop and implement a series of vast economic, social and cultural programs, aimed at bringing our country back in the area of European culture.
5. We have a clear social orientation
The Party is a political organization representing the interests of the middle class, the business people, the qualified workers, the free farmers, civil servants, teachers, healthcare employees, culture and arts people, pensioners and other categories of population, regardless of ethnic origin and religion.
The party will attract reform-oriented people, entrepreneurs, representatives of the business sector who share the values of free society, who are aware of the need for a force to protect and promote their interests, for the benefit of the entire society.
The Party will ensure a balance of central and regional interests, the interests of different ethnic groups, an atmosphere of social, inter-ethnic and religious tolerance. Partidul va asigura echilibrul intereselor centrale si zonale, al intereselor diferitelor grupuri etnice, un climat favorabil stabilitatii si tolerantei sociale, interetnice si interconfesionale.
6. Why this doctrine base
A political formation can unite people only around a dictrine which represents a set of values, ideas and concepts on society. Starting with our European vocation , we find that the greatest achievements of European nations in the XX century were achieved by combining liberal and social-democrat policies. The liberal option allowed for the free initiative and competition, non-interference of the state in the activity of economic entities and eventually this led to the establishment of stable, dynamic and performing economies, with a strong social potential. At the same time, the social-economic developments in the developed countries proved the need to complete the traditional liberal ideas with new elements of profound social orientation - ideas promoted by social-democrat parties. Thus, the ideas and practices of social-liberalism are more and more frequent, which means the combination of strong aspects of economic freedom with elements of advanced social protection. The Party considers immutable the principles of private property, economic freedom, priority of the citizens' rights in relation with state structures, limited state interference in business activities. At the same time, in the period of transition the excessive polarization of the society in the rich and the poor is very dangerous, hence the need for the state to interfere in order to protect the disadvantaged categories of population. In the Republic of Moldova social-liberalism is nowadays the most timely political doctrine, because the economy needs efficient and fast liberal reforms, and the society needs a balanced social policy, which can only be ensured by a strong economic policy. Under present conditions, the social-liberalism will enable, on one hand, to ensure freedom of individuals, entrepreneurs, on the other hand - to curb the continuing impoverishment of the population and the process of corruption and criminalization of the Power.
7. What tipe of country we need
The realization of the conceptual goals of the Partyi requires a consistent realization of the political tasks. In the initial stage, a major objective will be the consolidation of reform-oriented forces, the building of an effective opposition, the renewal of moldovan political elite. These aims can be reached by having a significant parliamentary Faction and by active participation in the local public administration. The completion of state-building requires the formation of a national bodyready for modernization and European integration, which would ensure the strict observance of the law by all citizens and primarily by all public and state structures.
The Party "Alliance ĞMoldova Noastrağ" considers that our state can be strong if it consists of free and socially protected citizens. A state created by citizens for citizens means a minimum state, that is a state that has limited prerogatives in relation with individuals. The citizens control in the most direct and democratic way the activity of state structures and in cases of breaches of the social contract, expressed in the Constitution, they can sanction the state. In our vision the "minimum state" is not a weak state. On the contrary, the lesser it obstructs the freedoms and initiatives of the people the stronger it is. The Party is in favour of completing the legislative and institutional process related to the parliamentary regime of the Republic of Moldova, by reducing the power of the President, increasing the competences of the prime minister, who is to be responsible for the promoted poicies. As the role of political parties increases in a parliamentary regime, the position of prime minister must be held by the leader of the party which wins the elections or by a person appointed by the majority coalition. The Party is in favour of a mixed electoral system when the MPs are elected partly on party lists and partly in uninominal constituencies.
It is necessary to reform the excessive state apparatus aiming at increasing the status of public officials, their professionalism and responsibility, reducing interference of state structures in the econmic activities, in conditions of adequate remuneration which would diminish corruption.
The Party calls for ensuring the national unity of the state through solidarity about a generallyaccepted idea, which at the present stage is the realization of European integration of Moldova. Societal solidarity in view of integration of the state in the European strucures implies awareness of each citizen - regardless of nationality - of the personal responsibility for the destiny of the Republic of Moldova, of respect for cultural, historical values of the majority and for the Romanian language, ensuring the conditions for the preservation of ethnical, cultural and linguistic identity of the minorities.
Alliance "Moldova Noastra" considers that ethnic dimensions can be overcome by building a state of citizens, equal before the law and responsible before the society. Along with ensuring the development of the culture of minorities, the Party considers that their rapid integration in the society through learning the Romanian language, the history and culture of the majority is absolutely necessary. The Party intends to propose a Program of harmonization of inter-ethnic relations in our country, which envisages the creation through a referendum of a federation of ethno-cultural comunities, maintaining the territorial integrity of the state.
A balanced interaction of the state and the society is only possible by stimulating self-management of citizens, by developing civil structures, by cooperation between them and by recognizing the role of the civil society in achieving public goals through an efficient control over the activities of the state.
8. Our priorities
A. Economic reform and social protection:
- Re-launching of the privatization program and attracting foreign investments;
- Development and implementation of a vast post-privatization program;
- Adoption of a stimulative fiscal cod, which would significantly reduce fiscal burden, create optimal conditions foe the development of small and medium size businesses;
- Ensuring favorable investment environment, stimulation of free initiative and competition;
- Diversification of markets for moldovan products;
- Deepening of reform in agriculture and development of a complex program of rural policies;
- Ensuring energy security;
- Revitalization of national industry;
- Nominal compensations for utilities and transport expenses for disadvantaged categories of population;
- Implementation of a real Program of poverty reduction.
B. Eradication of criminality and corruption, through:
- elimination by all possible means of monopolies and ensuring free competition;
- replacing current burdensome fiscal system with a transparent and relaxing one;
- diversification of energy sources;
- promotion of transparency in the activity of al state and public bodies;
- maximum reduction of bureaucratic barriers - numerous restrictive authorizations, licenses, instructions ;
- cancelation of economic conditions for activity of oligarchy groups;
- protection of domestic producers through legislation to ensure fair competition;
- stimulation of involvement of banking system in economic activities;
- logistic assistance from the state to exportation of agricultural products;
- development of adequate legal framework and stable conditions for attracting foreign investments;
- implementation of a unitary information system for monitoring imports and exports;
- revision of legislation to ensure independence (including financial) of the judges;
- abrogation of the Law on the Press and elimination of restrictive provisions related to the liabilities of journalists, in view of ensuring freedom of expression and access to information.
C. In the social sphere, the Party's options are:
- realization of a national poverty reduction program to create jobs, including the youth ;
- increase the standard of living and diminish the existing sharp difference of income of different categories of population, creation of equal opportunities;
- creartion of a modern and democratic system of education, professional training and continuous education, which would help diminish unemployment, illegal migration. Would provide for free and legal movement of labor force;
- increase budget funds for all social sectors, including healthcare, with a subsequent implementetion of a European model of iensurance system in healthcare, which would contribute to the improvement of health condition of the population;
- continuous improvement of of the system of social assistance, to ensure assistance from the state to the most disadvantaged categories of population;
D. In the field of foreign policy:
The Party's priority is European integration by getting as close as possible to the political, economic and security structures of Europe. This goal can be achieved with the clearly expressed support of Romania, with which we will share a common historical, economic, cultural, linquistic area. The idea of a "common national area" is also valid for moldovan citizens of Russian and Ukrainian nationality, as Russia and Ukraine will gradually advance in thier European integration policies. Along with the European integration priority, there is a need for privileged relations with neighbouring Romania and Ukraine, the tendency towards a strategic partnership with USA and Russia. The realations with all countries shall be based on the principle of mutual advantage. The Party will continue to favour an international approach in the proces of settling Trans-Dniester conflict, on the basis of uneversally accepted standards, for we consider that inadequate precedents would lead to destabilization in south-eastern Europe and would pose danger to the European security as a whole. Achiveing fulfilment of international commitments of Russia to withdraw its military and amunition from the eastern region of Moldova is instrumental for the consolidation of the sovereignty of the Republic of Moldova and its democratic institutions, for the security in this part of the world, for preventing manifestations of terrorism, extremism and separatism. Another priority will be the establishment of agreements with states in view of providing protection for moldovan workers abroad.
9. Transitory provisions
Based on the above principles, the Party will further develop a series large economic, social and cultural programs on the basis of social-liberal doctrine.
"Moldova Noastra" (Our Moldova) Alliance:
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Statistics /
Participation in elections
