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"Moldova Noastra (Our Moldova)" Alliance

Historic background
"Moldova Noastra" Alliance (MNA) was established as a party on July 19, 2003 as a result of the merger of the Social-Democratic Alliance of Moldova (SDAM), Liberal Party (LP) and Independents' Alliance of Moldova (IAM). On the day of its establishment, another party, Peoples' Democratic Party, joined MNA. These are only four of the total of six parties that established MNA in view of 2003 general local elections. The merger was conducted under the SDAM legal basis.
Social-Democratic Alliance of Moldova
SDAM is the legal successor of the Social-political Movement "Civic Alliance for Reforms" and was established under the decision of its First Congress held on April 19, 1997. The Congress also approved the program, bylaws and elected movement's governing bodies. The Second Congress held on November 28, 1998 decided to amend and complete the bylaws, which were also revised at the III Congress of November 27, 1999. During the latter a new party name was approved, i.e. Party of Social Democracy "Furnica" (Ant). Two years later on December 15, 2001 at the IV Congress 645 out of the 647 delegates voted for another party name - Social-Democratic Alliance of Moldova - and for amending and completing the bylaws. The Congress unanimously voted a revised version of the party program and elected Former Prime Minister and leader of "Braghis Alliance" Faction in Parliament, Dumitru Braghis, as the Party Chairperson.
In January 2002, Socio-political Movement "Plai Natal" (Motherland) registered on February 26, 1999 and headed by Vladimir Babii, joined the Party. The decision to adhere to the Social-Democratic Alliance of Moldova was taken at the IV Extraordinary Congress of the Socio-political Movement "Plai Natal" held on January 4, 2002.
Liberal Party
The Liberal Party was created, at the unifying Congress of March 24th 2002, on the basis of the merger of the Party of Rebirth and Reconciliation of Moldova (1995); the National Peasant Christian-Democratic Party (1993) and the Social Liberal Union "Force of Moldova". The latter was established on September 22, 2001 through the merger of the National Liberal Party (1993) and the Social-Political Movement "For Order and Justice" (2000).
This fusion was a result of a long evolution and, often, contradictory, of the center-right political parties and, specially, of the overwhelming victory of the Communist extreme at the parliamentary elections from 2001.
The Liberal Party has centered its Program on the liberal doctrine and on the most recent neo-liberal achievements. The Liberal Party is largely represented in the local public administration, has Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen at the Councils of the territorial units of grade II, thousands of local counselors, hundreds of mayors, etc. Among the party leaders are: Mircea Snegur, first President of the Republic of Moldova (1991-1996); Valeriu Muravschi, former Prime Minister (1991-1992); Vlad Ciobanu, former Vice-Chairman of the Parliament (1999-2000); Mircea Rusu, former Deputy of the Parliament, President of the Union of Industrials and Entrepreneurs; Mihai Cimpoi, former deputy, Chairman of the Union of Writers, more than 30 deputies which in, 1991, voted the Declaration of the Independence of the Republic of Moldova, deputies and ministers from other democratic, reformist Parliaments and Governments, noteworthy personalities from diverse areas of the public life. Also, in the party act youth and women organizations, which are structured on the local and national level.
The Liberal Party maintains relations with liberal oriented parties from Belgium, Denmark, Hungary, Netherlands, Romania, Russia, Ukraine etc.
Veaceslav Untila was elected Chairman of the party on October 27th, 2002, on an alternative basis, via general suffrage of the party.
Independents' Alliance of Moldova
On October 13, 2001 the Founding Congress of the Independents' Alliance of the Republic of Moldova gathered 400 delegates from all the administrative territorial units of the Republic. The congress elected Serafim Urechean, Mayor of the Chisinau Municipality as the Chair of the Alliance.
The Congress decided not to embrace any classical political platform, but rather decided the Alliance to become a democratically oriented socio-political movement, whose immediate goal would be to run in the upcoming elections within a broad democratic coalition.
Immediately after the Founding Congress, in November - December 2001 the Independents' Alliance of the Republic of Moldova embarked on establishing primary organizations in the territories. The party established ten primary organizations in two counties, 2 primary organizations in Gagauz-Yeri, five organizations in districts and ten in the Chisinau municipality. Further, Chairs and Deputy Chairs of the county, territorial and local organizations were elected. Those structures would represent the party governing body in the time period between conferences and general assemblies. In addition, the Congress elected Revision and Control Commissions for Alliances' structures at all the levels.
The first Congress of the Independents' Alliance of the Republic of Moldova convened on January 19, 2002 in Chisinau and brought together 1,048 delegates from all over the Republic. At issue was the socio-political situation in the Republic of Moldova as well as Alliance's priorities for the future. The Congress adopted the Manifest "Independents' Alliance of Moldova - Moldova's pro-European project". Further the Congress elected Alliance's governing bodies, approved party symbol and anthem.
Democratic Peoples' Party of Moldova
Democratic Peoples' Party of Moldova (DPPM) was established in 1997. The first Congress approved party program and bylaws. The Second Congress of January 30, 1999 approved the revised version of the party bylaws. The Third Congress, held on July 19, 2003 decided on joining "Moldova Noastra" Alliance.
The Founding Congress of the "Moldova Noastra" Alliance brought together almost 900 delegates who adopted the party program and bylaws, elected the party governing bodies. Dumitru Braghis, former Chair of SDAM was elected as Coordinating Co-chair of the newly established party, Serafim Urechean, former Chair of the IARM, and Veaceslav Untila, former Chair of the LP were also elected as the party Co-chairs. "Moldova Noastra" Alliance adopted a social-liberal doctrine, its symbol represents the image of sunrise with the phrase "Moldova Noastra" at the bottom.
"Moldova Noastra" (Our Moldova) Alliance:
Program /
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Statistics /
Participation in elections
