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New National Moldovan Party

Governing bodies
The Congress is the supreme party governing body and is convened, as a rule, once in 2 years. The extraordinary Congress may be convened at the decision of the National Steering Committee or at the request of at least 1/3 of the party branches.
The Congress has the following prerogatives:
- Elects the party Chair, Revision and Control Commission;
- Adopts the party program and bylaws, completes and amends them;
- Examines and adopts decisions on party activity;
- Hears and approves the reports submitted by the Chairperson, National Steering Committee and Revision and Control Commission;
- Examines other issues at the recommendation of the National Steering Committee;
- Confirms the mandates of the Congress delegates;
- Elects the Editor of the party media outlet.
The Congress Resolutions are passed by the majority vote of its delegates.
The National Steering Committee (NSC) is the party governing body in the time period between the Congresses and consists of the Party Chairperson, his/her deputies, Secretary, Chairs of the party branches, and a fixed number of members determined by the Congress.
NSC has the following competencies:
- Convenes the Congress and establishes representation principles;
- At the recommendation of Party Chair, elects the deputy Chairs, members of the Executive Committee, party Secretary, and determines their responsibilities;
- Whenever it deems necessary, it recruits or ousts members of NSC in such a case the Congress shall confirm such decisions. In the time period between the Congresses, NSC may not recruit more than 1/3 of its members;
- Examines and adopts decisions on issues recommended by the Chair, Executive Committee, and party branches;
- Submits the Congress recommendations on the reorganization of the party and improving its activity.
The Party Chair holds the following prerogatives:
- Chairs the sessions of the Executive Committee;
- Chairs the sessions of the National Steering Committee;
- Temporarily delegates his/her responsibilities to one of the deputies, whenever he/she is unable to exercise his/her responsibilities in the time period between the Congresses;
- Approves work plans of the Party, NSC, Executive Committee and oversees the enforcement of the decisions passed by the Congress, NSC, and Executive Committee;
- Keeps liaison with other parties, governmental and non-governmental organizations;
- With the consent of the Executive Committee holds talks with other parties and socio-political organizations on forming blocs or political alliances in view of jointly running in elections or promoting joint interests. The results of the talks shall be confirmed by the decision of the NSC;
- Represents the party in its foreign relations;
- Signs contracts and financial documents;
- May hold other prerogatives, which are established by the NSC in the time period between the Congresses.
Executive Committee is the control body in the time period between the National Steering Committee sessions. The Party Chair heads the Executive Committee, and upon his/her absence the deputy Chairs do so.
Executive Committee:
- Exercises executive functions of the party;
- Convenes NSC sessions;
- Coordinates the activity of party branches and organizations;
- Oversees party editorial and PR activity;
- Administers the Party patrimony and reports to NSC in such matters.
The Party Secretary simultaneously holds the position of the Executive Committee Secretary. The Secretary reports to the Party Chair and heads the party apparatus.
New National Moldovan Party:
Governing bodies /
Participation in elections
