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Socio-political Movement "Ravnopravie" (Equality)

Program (approved at the Founding Congress of Socio-political Republican Movement "Ravnopravie")
Socio-political Republican Movement "Ravnopravie" is a socio-political organization uniting citizens of the Republic of Moldova committed to the principles of equality in rights of all nations and social justice. Being a multinational organization the Movement pleads for the consolidation of political and social forces sharing the same values, but which are currently split.
"Ravnopravie" Movement will take part in the socio-political life of the country by methods provided for in the Republic of Moldova Constitution. At the same time, the Movement shall focus its daily activity first of all on promoting its values among the people, at their residence and in public organizations.
Being guided by democratic principles and striving for the welfare of the people and civic consent in the social and political life of the Republic of Moldova, "Ravnopravie" Movement opts for:
- Organizing at the state level education in Russian so as to ensure a real equality with regard to citizens' access to education;
- Strengthening and extending economic and cultural ties with the CIS member states, firstly with Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.
Socio-political Republican Movement "Ravnopravie" was established at the time of deep economic crisis and a difficult time for Republic of Moldova social and political life. The most affected by the crisis are the elderly as they are forced to merely survive and die soon. State's concern for the young generation and for its education has considerably decreased. Being aware of the economic problems we believe that the social security of the population should be the responsibility of the state guaranteed by law.
In the social sphere "Ravnopravie" Movement will strive for:
- Free education in the state institutions;
- Preserving free medical services for the socially vulnerable strata of the society;
- Enabling all young people, regardless of their parents' social status, to study free of charge in high institutions;
- Ensuring by law a pension no less than the minimal consumption level.
In achieving the said tasks "Ravnopravie" Movement shall be guided in its activity by the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova and other international acts:
- International Agreement on civil and political rights ratified by the Republic of Moldova on June 28, 1990 (no. 217-XII), providing that the states part of the Agreement undertake to respect their citizens, regardless of their language or political options, ethnic origin, etc, and ensure the observance of the rights stipulated in this Agreement. Each citizen is entitled to take part in state administration both directly or through his/her representatives elected in free elections; to have access to state affairs in their country without discrimination or groundless restrictions.
- Final Document of the Copenhagen Conference for human dimension, ratified by the Republic of Moldova on September 18, 1991 (no. 707-XII), providing that the states part to this Document have to observe citizen's right to political or state positions either directly or through the representatives of political parties; to observe minorities' rights as an essential factor of peace, stability and democracy in the state and consequently shall observe minorities' right to take part in the state administration.
- General thesis of the Republic of Moldova Constitution providing that the Articles on the human rights and freedoms shall be applied in compliance with the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, other treaties, and upon inconsistency international acts shall have a priority.
The said articles are the basic principles of our Movement and we'll undertaken everything possible to enforce them through our representatives in the state bodies and local public administration and by resorting to juridical and international institutions.
"Ravnopravie" Movement shall stay in opposition if the state social and interethnic policy would lead to ethnic cleansing and worsening living standards of the great majority of the country population.
We plead for preserving the country statehood, we respect the right of the Moldovan people to call themselves "Moldovans", and the language "Moldovan" and believe that there is no other alternative for our society and for the established interethnic relations.
"Ravnopravie" Movement is open to cooperate with all the political parties, socio-political organizations sharing our point of view, expressed in this document.
This is a working document and shall be valid until the Congress approves the Program of the Socio-political Republican Movement "Ravnopravie".
Socio-political Republican Movement "Ravnopravie" (Equality):
Program /
Governing bodies /
Statistics /
Participation in elections
