Socio-political Movement "Ravnopravie" (Equality)

Participation in elections
1999 local elections
In the May 23, 1999 local elections the Socio-political Republican Movement "Ravnopravie" received:
- 1 councilor mandate (0.32%) in the county council;
- 4 councilor mandates (0.07%) in the city and village councils.
2001 parliamentary elections
In the February 25, 2001 parliamentary elections the Socio-political Republican Movement "Ravnopravie" was cast 7,023 votes (0.44%).
General local elections May 25-June 8, 2003
Socio-political Republican Movement "Ravnopravie" received:
- 3 mandates (0.27%) in the rayonal and municipal councils;
- 35 mandates (0.32%) in city and village councils;
- 2 mayor mandates (0.22%).
Socio-political Republican Movement "Ravnopravie" (Equality):
Program /
Governing bodies /
Statistics /
Participation in elections