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Socio-political Movement "Forta Noua" (New Force)

After the proclamation of independence, collapse of the USSR and renunciation to the totalitarian past, the Republic of Moldova stepped on difficult and sometimes contradictory path of representative democracy and efficient economy. In early 90' started the transformation of the existing social, political and economic relations. The top priorities of the reformatory process were: edifying democratic institutions functioning in a pluralistic and rule of law state, adopting market economy principles in production and distribution of wealth, orientation towards solving social problems, developing culture and science, unconditionally observing human rights regardless of nationality.
The new orientation of the country imposed some radical changes in all the spheres of the Moldovan society. The vast privatization program of the state property, launch of market economy infrastructure, emergence of entrepreneurs, Government's fruitful cooperation with foreign financial organizations, which led to the stabilization of the national currency and reduction of inflation, have all laid the grounds for overcoming the crisis in economy and social sphere.
However in the initial stage of transition to market economy the economic reforms resumed to liberalization of prices to goods and services, and later on to unbalanced efforts to stabilize those prices, so as to gradually attain a macro-economic balance via maintaining a stable national currency, overcoming negative impact of inflation through monetary measures and thus neglecting macro-economic tendencies. The privatization of state property based on patrimonial vouchers failed to yield positive results. Instead of a breakthrough in industry, agriculture, commerce and services, the transition of the property from the state property into that of dozens or even hundreds of proprietors, usually anonymous ones, coupled with the lack of investments in enterprises' modernization and restructuring - only intensified the anarchy and negative tendencies, which in the long run resulted in the extension of the shadow economy. The fiscal policy having a rather confiscating character, has not only hindered the governors to overcome the financial and budgetary crisis, but also deprived the fledging private sector, industrial enterprises and farmers of means they so much needed for developing and restructuring, for new technologies and production of competitive products. The inefficient spending of foreign credits and financial aid, embezzlement practiced by public officers have turned the country into a permanent debtor, thus undermining the credibility of Moldova in the eyes of international financial organizations and governments of the creditor countries.
Procrastination of reforms, lack of strategy, primacy of corporate and group interests over the society ones have even further boosted the voluntarism in economy reform thus overshadowing social problems. Property reform and redistribution resumed to establishment in Moldova of a clan nomenclature capitalism encompassing high officials, certain employers, big business tycoons and several representatives of legal bodies, shadow economy exponents and criminal structures. Increased corruption of the state apparatus, abuse of power and open lobby of the interests of certain companies and financial and industrial groups to the detriment of the society interests have gradually undermined the state and reduced its ability to efficiently influence social-economic processes.
The tendency to preserve by all means the inflation and not allow the Leu devaluation led to a situation when the salary remains at the same level, while prices are continuously rising, to reduction of purchasing power of the great majority of population, to weakening domestic market and substantial reduction of monetary flow and circulation of goods. Rapid decrease of the population income resulted in a tremendous decrease of the living standards and massive poverty. A constant decline of the population number has been registered in the recent years due to an increased mortality and low birthrate. Discrepancies in the economic and social reform, state's inability to pay the salaries and pensions in due time and rapidly react to social problems, as well as the ever-extending shadow economy have determined a rapid polarization of the population according to social status and property, and as a result tensions in the society.
The seeds of the civil society that emerged in Moldova at the end of 80's proved to be an insufficient barrier to stop nomenclature from coming back in power and to prevent the installation of clan nomenclature capitalism. The governing elite still dominates the boneless amorphous society. It is not interested in the edification of an integral civil society, capable of defining and defending its own interests in relations with the state. The elite also opposes the formation of a strong middle class emerging from the growing private sector, able to become the guarantor of social stability, as it views it as a force able to limit nomenclature reigning in politics and economy.
Another cause of the worsening crisis is the failure to settle the Transdnistrian conflict. The inappropriate measures undertaken to settle the problem of territorial integrity and the unjustified concessions Moldovan authorities made to the breakaway regime only led to strengthening of Tiraspol positions. The failure to ensure the withdrawal of Russian troops from Moldovan territory in line with the international law principles, Moldova's inconsistency and lack of principality during the bilateral negotiations with Russia have preserved a disintegrated country, have intensified the hostility and instability in the society.
Given the lack of social basis, of a clear ideological orientation the great majority of the political parties and socio-political organizations may not be adequate advocators for certain categories of the population and for the society as a whole. Healthy political competition, constructive rivalry of ideologies and doctrines adapted to the Moldovan environment, public debates between political parties and organizations on the optimal way of the country continuous development - all of them are substituted by clarifications, reciprocal denigration and the battles fought to win voters' sympathy. The party elite is formed mainly of representatives of national nomenclature of the soviet times and new leaders offspring of the national liberation movement. For the former the power was and still is a goal in itself, whereas the latter are promoters of romantic and simple visions on the ways of overcoming the crisis. The immaturity of the new political system is proved by the parties' incapacity to wisely make use of the power they hold. The lack of concrete governing programs and professionally trained expert teams is one of the factors deepening the crisis in the society.
The social and political apathy of the great majority of citizens, who are inclined to believe that the main cause of the problems and hardships in their life is politicians' irresponsibility and their so-called democratic innovations, is only furthering the society's nostalgic attitude. In the context of worsening living standards, insecurity of the future, and failure to comprehend the ongoing changes, the great majority of the citizens are ready to support radical and conservatory political parties, which strive for the comeback of the communist totalitarian regime. People frequently associate the current chaos with democracy and that is why they want to counterpoise it an authoritarian social order.
During the 10 years of transition from the Soviet Republic to an independent state, Republic of Moldova failed to create an efficient economy able to ensure a decent life to the citizens of the country, to settle social problems, and to boost science, culture and education. The political system and its power structure fail to ensure a legal governing of the country as well as a clear strategy. Moldova is at the crossroads: is it still possible to go back to the bureaucratic administrative system, which would shortly turn Moldova in one of the least developed countries in Europe and would lead to the loss of its independence. Those dangerous socio-political tendencies may be overcome by urgently improving the quality of life of the great majority of population, by furthering socially oriented democratic and economic reforms, and by ensuring order and law observance.
At the current stage of historic evolution and under the current social and political circumstances "Forta Noua" Movement declares that it is ready and strives to recruit citizens of Moldova, who by their concrete actions might help the country overcome the long crisis, define its due sustainable development course and ensure its rightful place among other European states and global community. The Movement intends to rely on the most advanced strata of the population, i.e. businessmen, farmers, liberal intelligentsia, youth, and those active in the social and political life, who realized the need for a new stage in the country development.
In defining its tactics, strategy, stance with regard to the most important problems the country is confronted with, and in achieving its objectives and statutory goals, upon succeeding to power the "Forta Noua" Movement will be guided by the principles and fundamental ideas of the neo-liberal doctrine. This doctrine is the result of the natural evolution of the European philosophy and thought and of the concept on the dynamic development and formation of the contemporary society. The neo-liberalism congruously combines the ideas of individual's free and creative action, unconstrained by the rigid control of the state, with a socially oriented economic activity of the community and individual citizens. The creative application of the main principles of the neo-liberal doctrine in Moldova would allow us to overcome the ideological opportunism and political voluntarism, to enforce the strategy of the country urgent transition to democracy and market economy.
If the great majority of the population fails to understand and accept the party strategy and program, if efforts are not made to promote the party strategy and tactics, then all the intentions of the party will not come true and stay just on paper. The social transformations envisaged would be achieved by taking into account the psychology and traditions of the Moldovan people, the legacy of the totalitarian regime. The party believes that in order to overcome the crisis, to provide decent living standards to the citizens of the country, and to continuously strengthen the state the only alternative is to perfect democracy, reform ownership relations by observing equity principles, establish a viable market and latter on a viable and dynamic economy.
Understanding the major causes of the decline, "Forta Noua" party sets the following strategic objectives, which would enable the country to overcome the crisis and to continuously develop.
In politics:
- To consolidate the sovereign state, to ensure its territorial integrity, to increase the state's efficiency in solving problems related to new developments of the Moldovan society. In the process of state edification the national identity may be preserved without turning the state into a number of administrative-territorial units having an uncertain role. Simultaneously, the state should establish real premises for the accomplishment of the principle: equal possibilities for everyone and everyone is equal under law, regardless of sex, nationality and confession;
- To enhance the efficiency of the state and its institutions, who have an important role to play during the transition to market economy and democratic governing;
- To settle the contradiction between the need to radically reform the society and the state apparatus proclivity to bureaucracy, and thus neglect society interests. In this respect we intend to achieve the principle of separation of powers, i.e. legislative, executive and judicial, to ensure transparency in their activity. To edify a rule of law state, to guarantee citizens equality under law, whereas the failure to do so should be punished; to exclude the legal arbitrariness and nihilism from the relationships between authorities and citizens;
- To perfect the multiparty political system, which would further democratic reforms and increase the responsibility of political parties, socio-political organization for the state reformation and governing, which would consolidate the society by representing the interests of different strata of society in relations with state bodies, as a system promoting new activists and political leaders;
- To support the edification of civil society, which would make the democratic transformations irreversible. Only civil society efficiently defends both the interests of individual citizens as well as those of public associations in relations with state administration, which by its nature is inclined to political voluntarism and authoritarian methods of governing;
- To ensure a stable development of the society by eliminating the causes which generated crisis in all the spheres of the society, by stabilizing the socio-economic situation in the country and finalizing the reforms. To reestablish territorial integrity of the country by granting the territory to the left of Dniester a social status within Moldova, by accelerating political and diplomatic activity aimed to finally resolve the Transdnistrian conflict;
- To ensure the security of each individual and of the society as a whole, by fighting crime, increasing the efficiency of the law enforcement forces, identifying and liquidating foreign and domestic military, economic and informational threats, fighting territorial separatism and actions undermining or targeted against the Moldovan state;
- To fight corruption, embezzlement of public property, and abuse of authority. Those destructive phenomena, suddenly intensified during the transition to marked economy, not only incur huge economic damages to the society, but also ravage the state from within, annihilating at this stage its function to regulate structural changes in all the spheres of society life;
- To contribute to Moldova's integration in the European and global community in view of urgently solving the problems related to the undergoing crisis, entering global and regional networks of economic cooperating and extending economic relations, as well as in view of ensuring Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity and its sustainable development in peaceful conditions.
In economy:
- To establish a market economy based on private property, entrepreneurial initiative and free competition. To ensuring gradual transition from a multi-sector economy, where the private property coexists with the state property to an open market, where private property prevails over production means, and production and distribution are governed by the market mechanisms. To ensure the efficiency of the state's regulatory function, especially during the transition from the planned economy to a market economy. This is not only determined by the fact that the state holds in partial or total property a series of enterprises, but also by its functions exerted during developing and enforcing the budget, implementing fiscal, creditor, investment and social policies;
- To maintain the macro-economic stability upon minimal social costs. To ensure the stability and convertibility of the Moldovan Lei. To prevent uncontrolled rise of inflation. To continuously modernize the banking system and optimize securities market;
- To preserve traditional markets and extend foreign markets for domestic products by stimulating the export of Moldovan quality products, as well as via encouraging the growth of processing industry and science, of the industries producing goods for export and substituting export products, by employing modern technologies. To orient agriculture and food processing to the production of environmental-clean and competitive products;
- To stabilize and extend the domestic market by raising the purchasing power of the Moldovan population and by increasing the quota (protected from inflation) of salaries in the GDP, as well as to foster the fields of economy able to stimulate a gradual increase in the consumption of indigenous goods;
- To support by all means the small and medium business, as a top priority of the state economic policy on property relation's reform. To ensure high profitability and efficiency of the economic enterprises, able to boost economic growth in the society as well as to contribute to the creation of a middle class - guarantor of the social stability and guarantor that society would overcome the radicalism and extremism.
Socio-political Movement "Forta Noua" (New Force):
Program / Governing bodies / Statistics / Participation in elections
