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Professionals' Movement "Speranta-Nadejda"

Governing bodies
The Congress is the supreme governing body of the PM "Speranta-Nadejda". It is convened once in four years at the initiative of 1/3 of the territorial organizations. The Republican Council shall decide the date of convocation, representation and agenda at least one month prior to the Congress meeting.
The Congress:
- Adopts, completes and modifies the Program and bylaws;
- Elects for a four year period Movements' Council, Censor Commission, and adopts the latter's Regulation;
- Hears and approves the reports of the Council and Censor Commission;
- Decides on excluding members from the Movement Council;
- Examines other issues recommended by the Movement Council.
Council is the governing body in the time period between the Congresses.
Executive Committee and Secretary oversee the party activity in enforcing the Congress and Council Resolutions and operate under the regulation approved by the Movement Council.
Professionals' Movement "Speranta-Nadejda":
Program / Governing bodies / Statistics / Participation in elections
