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Social Democratic Alliance of Moldova

Historic background
Social-political Movement "Civic Alliance for Reforms" was established under the decision of its First Congress held on April 19, 1997. The Congress also approved the program, bylaws and elected movement's governing bodies. The Second Congress held on November 28, 1998 decided to amend and complete the bylaws, which were also revised at the III Congress of November 27, 1999. During the latter a new party name was approved, i.e. Party of Social Democracy "Furnica" (Ant). Two years later on December 15, 2001 at the IV Congress 645 out of the 647 delegates voted for another party name - Social-Democratic Alliance of Moldova - and for amending and completing the bylaws. The Congress unanimously voted a revised version of the party program and elected Former Prime Minister and leader of "Braghis Alliance" Faction in Parliament, Dumitru Braghis, as the Party Chairperson.
In January 2002, Socio-political Movement "Plai Natal" (Motherland) registered on February 26, 1999 and headed by Vladimir Babii, joined the Party. The decision to adhere to the Social-Democratic Alliance of Moldova was taken at the IV Extraordinary Congress of the Socio-political Movement "Plai Natal" held on January 4, 2002.
Social-Democratic Alliance of Moldova took part in 1998 and 2001 parliamentary elections and in the 1999, 2003 local elections.
In July 19, 2003 SDAM decided to suspend its activities and join the Party "Moldova Noastra Alliance".
Social Democratic Alliance of Moldova:
Governing bodies /
Participation in elections
