Local Elections 2003

Code on Administrative Offences (excerpts)
Article 200/1. Violation of Electoral Laws
The failure by officials to release data and materials needed for the activity of electoral bodies, as well as failure to apply the latter's decisions is punished by a fine worth three minimal salaries.
The destruction, marring and all forms of damaging the posted electoral lists, programmes and platforms and any other posted electoral propaganda materials is punished by a fine worth 10 to 20 minimal wages.
Posting electoral propaganda materials in other than established places is punished by a fine worth 10 to 20 minimal wages.
The organisation by decision makers of electoral meetings where alcoholic drinks are put up for sale, and failure to take the necessary measures for such meetings to be held in good order is punished by a fine worth 15 to 20 minimal wages to be paid by the decision makers.
The intentional entry into petitions of individuals who do not have the right to vote pursuant to current laws and of fictional individuals, the multiply entry of one person into several petitions, as well as the unjustified refusal to register and settle complaints related to electoral operations are punished by a fine worth 10 to 20 minimal wages.
The entry of an individual into several candidate lists is punished by a fine worth 10 to 20 minimal wages.
The failure by the members of electoral bodies to publish the names of candidates is punished by a fine worth 10 to 20 minimal wages.
The use of unpublished funds originating abroad is punished by a fine, to be applied on the individuals who have used such funds, worth up to thirty minimal wages. The said funds are confiscated and transferred to the state budget.
Barring access to the voting site of individuals entitled to vote is punished by a fine worth 15 to 25 minimal wages to be applied on decision-makers.
The failure to apply the instructions of the chairperson of the precinct electoral bureau regarding order at the precinct and in the surrounding area inflicts a fine worth 10 to 20 minimal wages.
The unjustified failure to issue voting ballots to a voter entered in the voter list, as well as issuing a voter more ballots than legally provided for is punished by a fine worth 15 to 20 minimal wages to be paid by the decision-makers.
The unmotivated leave of the voting site prior to the tabulation of votes and the drafting of the protocol by the members of the precinct electoral bureau inflicts a fine worth 10 to 20 minimal wages.
Undertaking electoral agitation on the day preceding the elections day and on the elections day is punished by a fine worth 10 to 20 minimal wages.
Taking the voting ballot issued for voting out of the precinct is punished by a fine worth 15 to 25 minimal wages to be paid by decision-makers.
Forging signatures on petitions for the support of independent candidates is punished by a fine worth 15 to 25 minimal wages to be paid by decision-makers.
[Article 200/1 modified via Law no.683-XV of 29.11.2001]
[Article 200/1 in the wording of Law no.1616-XII of 19.10.93]
[Article 200/1 added via the Decree of 11.01.90]
[Article 200/2 excluded via Law no.1616-XII of 19.10.93]