Law of the Republic of Moldova on Parties and Other Socio-Political Organizations

No 718-XII of 17.09.91
Vestile No 11-12/106, 1991
II. The registration of the parties and other socio-political organizations
Article 15 (13): Registration of the bylaws
Parties and other socio-political organizations are entitled to pursue their bylaws goals only after their registration.
Registration application is submitted to the Ministry of Justice together with:
- bylaws and the program of the party or socio-political organization;
- founding act and the list of the party or socio-political organization members, drawn based on the applications and approved by the leader of the party or socio-political organization, including: name, surname, year of birth, residence, passport number, workplace, and signature of the relevant member of the party or socio-political organization;
- document on the premises of the party or socio-political organization;
- prove of the bank account.
[Paragraph 2 of Article 15 (13) in the wording of the Law no. 146-XIV of 30. 09. 98]
Within one month of the submission of bylaws registration application, the Ministry of Justice will either register the bylaws of the party or socio-political organization, or refuse the registration when it infringes the provisions of the present Law.
[Paragraph 3 of Article 15 (13) in the wording of the Law no. 146-XIV of 30. 09. 98]
The Justice Ministry's decision regarding the refusal to register the bylaws may be appealed by the relevant organization at the Supreme Court of Justice within ten days.
[Paragraph 4 of Article 15 (13) modified via the Law no. 788 of 26. 03. 96]
A registration fee equal to 10 minimal wages will be levied for the registration of the bylaws of the political party or socio-political organization, modifications and completions to it.
[Paragraph 5 of Article 15 (13) introduced via the Law no. 795-XIV of 10. 02. 2000]
Modifications and completions to the parties and socio-political organizations bylaws will be registered according to the initial registration procedure. The chair or representative of the executive body or other governing body of the party or socio-political organization, must be present at the registration hearing.
Upon the registration of the bylaws, the parties or other socio-political organizations become juridical persons.
[Paragraph 7 of Article 15 (13) modified via the Law no. 795-XIV of 10. 02. 2000]
The Justice Ministry holds the Register of parties and socio-political organizations.
The procedure of registering political parties or other socio-political organizations bylaws is stipulated in a Regulation approved by the Government.
Article 16 (13/1): Declaring void the decision on the registration of a political party or socio-political organization
The decision on registration of a political party or socio-political organization may be declared void via the court resolution at the request of the Ministry of Justice if circumstances which might serve grounds for refusal have been found after registration.
[Article 16 (13/1) introduced via the Law no. 795-XIV of 10. 02. 2000]
Article 17 (14): The symbol of a party or socio-political organization
The parties and socio-political organizations can have an emblem or a flag as a symbol, which must be also officially registered following the procedure established for the registration of the bylaws. The symbol must not reproduce the state symbols and serve purposes which are mentioned in Article 4 of the present Law.
[Article 17 (14) completed via the Law no. 1615-XIV of 19. 10. 93]
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