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2000 Presidential Elections

Under the changes operated in the governing system (from a semi-presidential to a parliamentary system) on July 5, 2000, the President was to be elected via the secret vote of 3/5 (61) of the elected deputies in Parliament.
December 1
No. of deputies - 101
No. of deputies who took part in the voting - 100
Null votes - 15
No. | Candidates | No. of votes cast |
1 | Pavel Barbalat | 37 |
2 | Vladimir Voronin | 48 |
Elections were declared invalid.
December 4
No. of deputies - 101
No. of deputies who took part in the voting - 98
Null votes - 13
No. | Candidates | No. of votes cast |
1 | Pavel Barbalat | 35 |
2 | Vladimir Voronin | 50 |
As neither of the candidates gathered 61 votes, repeated elections were decreed.
December 21
December 21 elections were not deliberative due to the low participation in elections. Forty Communists, seven independent deputies and the Parliament Chairperson, Dumitru Diacov were present at the session.
On December 31 President Lucinschi issued a Decree on the Dissolution of Parliament and set the date of early parliamentary elections for February 25, 2001. The Parliament was dissolved due to its failure to elect the President of the country under the Constitutional procedures and terms.
