Political parties |  |

Points of view |  |

Elections |  |

Useful information |  |

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Elections' Results

Parliamentary Elections, March 6, 2005
Party of Communists of Moldova – 56 mandates (45.98%)
Electoral Bloc "Democratic Moldova" – 34 mandates (28.53%)
Christian Democratic People's Party – 11 mandates (9.07%)
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Local Elections, May 25, 2003
EDC: PCRM - 615 mandates (54.62%), EB SLAOM 229 mandates (20.34%)
ELC: PCRM - 5417 mandates (49.88%), EB SLAOM 2391 mandates (22.02%)
EM: PCRM - 367 mandates (41.14%), EB SLAOM 189 mandates (21.19%)
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Local Elections, May 23, 1999
EDC: Communists, Agrarians and Socialists Bloc - 188 mandates (37.82%)
ELC: Communists, Agrarians and Socialists Bloc - 2235 mandates (36.61%)
EM: Independent Candidates - 191 mandates (30.37%)
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Parliamentary Elections, March 22, 1998
Party of Communists - 40 mandates (30.01%),
"Democratic Convention" Electoral Bloc - 26 mandates (19.42%)
"For a Democratic and Prosperous Moldova" Electoral Bloc - 24 mandates (18.16%)
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